Monday, April 5, 2010

Lamb Cake Part Duex

Easter was enjoyable. I spent it with my family and we got a fantastic dinner at our favorite German Restaurant Zum Stammtisch.

Seriously, if you have any sort of German in you, or even if you just love good food, head over there. We've been going to Zum for years and years and years especially since my grandma lives so close and it's always delicious and homey.

Even Mickey loves it!

Yeah, Jaclyn brought Nanny back a German Mickey from Epcot, what about it?

Probably the most exciting thing was the chance Julibean had to try the lamb cake again. You might remember our hilarious attempt last year to try to make a lamb cake for Jason's family.

Our first try was delicious, but he was sloppy. We made him out of carrot cake (which isn't as sturdy as it should be), we didn't read the directions (and apparently made the cake entirely wrong), and we used cream cheese frosting (which didn't hold together as well as decorating frosting). Basically it was a not so epic failure.

I'd never decorated a cake before so I completely winged it and he looked as if I did (as you can see here->).

I mean Jason's family loved it. Joe enjoyed decapitating the lamb cake and he was just silly looking. This year Julibean actually read the directions, made the cake out of the proper kind of cake and she even bought little sugar eyes for him.

Lamb Cake Part Duex was adorable and so much more delicious and cute than our first attempt.

Look at 'im in his little bed of grass!

Lamb Cake success!!


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