I've been the worst blogger ever. I really have no excuse except that I've pretty much lacked motivation to do anything the past few weeks.
So let's travel back to Easter. Just for shigiggles! Since my wonderful company gives us a vacation day on Good Friday, I took the opportunity to leave early on Thursday and drive up to New Hampshire to spend the long weekend with my boyfriend and his family. My mother thought it would be a fabulous idea if my sister Julianne came to meet me since she didn't want her to be alone for the holiday. The more the merrier in the Shire, eh?
We decided ahead of time that we would make Jason's family dessert so I went out shopping with Jason's sister Amanda and got all the ingredients for my Julibean's carrot cake and cream cheese frosting. None of them had every had carrot cake so it was all the more exciting!
Voila! My first attempt ever at decorating a cake. Look at him, ain't he cute? Sitting in his little bed of grass. Best of all, he was delicious!
We had a wonderful Easter dinner on Saturday night, and then devoured the lamb soon after that. The next morning, after church we dug right into a delightfully unhealthy breakfast of delectable cinnamon rolls and then it came time for the Easter baskets.
Jason's mother is hardcore about her Easter baskets. I mean, the thing was HUGE and had full bags of candy in it. In our house Easter baskets had a chocolate bunny, a few Cadbury eggs, a handful of jelly beans and a dash of robin's eggs. Plus, you'd have the glorious task of digging through the plastic grass to find them all before my Dad came by and yoinked your eggs! So low and behold, a plethora of chocolate, and all for me!

Now I have never read a trashy romance novel before...ever. I laughed at them, sure, but I never legitimately read one. But low and behold, No Place for a Lady was hilariously awful. In fact, I might just review it for you.
All in all, Easter was fantastic. Spending time with Jason's family is always entertaining and having my sister there was even more wonderful.
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