Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Two Questions for Tuesday

Why does this Coach Robot Necklace exist?

And why do I kind of love it in a ridiculous way?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Choo Choo Chooseday

Gentlemen, this is the Coast Starlight, one of the great American trains operating on one of the classic American routes. On this side, you’ll see panoramic ocean vistas inaccessible to any other form of transportation, while on your side, you’ll be treated to 350 miles of CostCos, Jiffy Lubes, and cinderblock homes with above-ground pools.

Over the past few years the Northeast Regional and I have become okay friends. Despite the fact that I think Amtrak is a huge rip off half the time I'd rather spend 5 hours on a train and that's it, than 7+ possible hours in the car stuck in traffic. For about the cost of two tanks of gas I am forgoing the traffic and sitting here in the very last seat in the very last car spending my time dicking around the internet, listening to music, applying to jobs, and writing parts of the books I'm working on.

Baltimore or bust!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Manjoyment Monday: Tea Time

This movie. What can I say about this 7 minute clip other than Alan Rickman is incredible?

And now I'm going to go have some tea.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dance Like You Don't Have A Nation!

Had to share this. Because these people were awesome.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Closing Time...

...every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

So. It's been awhile. Lots of big things have happened. Namely it's been a bit over three weeks since I lost my job. I'm actually relieved. I really hated spending two hours a day in the car commuting - despite listening to some awesome audiobooks - and I hadn't really been given any opportunities at the company to show them my worth. Add on that an announcement back in December that we were being acquired by an ENORMOUS company in California and basically I knew my days were numbered.

I was proud that I lasted to almost August I mean I've known since December that they were going to get rid of me but it took them a lot longer to realize that. I've been applying to everything in the area that has popped up since last year and was hoping I could leave them before they let me go, but that didn't quite pan out.

I'm not upset, I'm trying to look at this as a good thing. A reason to finally get my personal life back on track, finally get my physical life back on track, and actually enjoy life doing things I like to do. I'm eating better, I'm getting into an exercise routine that will have me ready to restart the c25k in September, and I've spent some quality time with my family. It's been good to decompress.

I'm hoping that by October I'll have found a new job at a company that actually finds me valuable and understands my creativity.

In the meantime I'll work on me and I'll work on my writing. I'm two chapters shy of finishing my first novel and I've got a few other stories in various different stages of completion. I've even got a young adult series planned out and hope to really pursue my dream of being published. I even have a great pen-name picked out and I just am ready to do this!

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