Monday, August 30, 2010

MM: Still Got It

My parents just got back from Seattle. Rather, my mother came home last Monday and my father stayed on to help my brother recuperate from surgery and just returned this weekend. (Dan's fine by the way. He had some nerve pinch-age that was giving him pain in his arm so they went in and plated two of his vertebrae together. Sounds a whole lot scarier than it is but at least he won't be in pain anymore, plus he'll have an awesome scar across his neck that we'll have to create an awesome story as to how he got. Knife fight? Mugging? Sword duel?)

I was thinking about Seattle and how enjoyable a city it was, and I was getting photos sent to me willy nilly while my parents were out there. I decided now was as good a time as any to watch Sleepless in Seattle.

And while I was watching it I realized that Tom Hanks was adorable back then.

And then I realized that Tom Hanks is STILL a fine looking man.

Young or old, he has my full attention.

Also, little boy who played Jonah, Ross Malinger, every time I saw this movie I though, damn, he is so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Thank you IMDB for solving the mystery. He was the voice of TJ Detweiler on Recess which just happens to be one of my favorite cartoons EVER.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Picka SHOES!

And thanks Nick Holmes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Beaner does Birthdays

Today is Julibean's birthday!

It's also our cousin Dona's birthday too!

To celebrate, here is a ridiculous photo of the two of us when we were little.

I loved that damn wig, even though it smelled like the attic no matter how long it aired out.
Plus check out that sweet animal print patchwork shirt! Ahhhh the 80s!

And just so we're clear on the fact that my sister has always had quite the personality...

I like to call this one "Clownitude"

(and Dona!)

Monday, August 23, 2010

MM: No, it's Hairspray

I felt very very conflicted about this one.

As we all know, I have a lot of guilty pleasures. Trashy romance novels, shoes, ugly things, etc. but there's one guilty pleasure I've been holding back for a long time now and it wasn't until Ashley said the following words to me that I felt okay coming out and saying it.

Ash: I watched 17 Again today at work on youtube. Zac Efron is really really attractive.

Here's my thing. I don't really find Zac Efron really attractive on his own. However, as Link in Hairspray, ummm, break me off a piece of that please?

And apparently I wasn't the only one who enjoyed him as this character, nor was I the only one who felt old and even slightly pervy for thinking so...

Ash: Hairspray is when Mel and i decided that he WAS cute, and we left that movie feeling bad about ourselves.

Mel: I felt so conflicted. I was like "dance around in that skinny blue suit some more, Zefron!"

I think the only reason I allow myself to enjoy him in this role is to me, he doesn't look like himself and therefore I don't associate him with High School Musical or the other Disney movies he was in when he was young and therefore I don't feel old and dirty.

It's totally the 50s style that gets me. What can I say, I was born in the wrong decade.

Monday, August 16, 2010

MM: Casey? Kasey? Whatever!

Sometime last week Ashley and I were discussing the WORST NAMES you could ever give your child.

It was a pretty awesome conversation, mostly because I kept on considering how they'd sound with Jason's last name.

Cortez Koala took the cake with that one.
However, Ashley has decided her children will be Jedward and Reneseme.

Anyway, long story short I love the name Kasey for a boy. I've had this conversation many times with Casey who agrees that she thinks her name is better suited for a man.

Plus Casey Jones is pretty effing sweet:

Is it the horribly fake long hair? The brooding stare? The fact that he carries around a Louisville Slugger and a cricket bat in his golf bag? Not sure.

But I do certainly enjoy him.

Friday, August 13, 2010


"Tell Her You Miss Her Whispering Eye"

Paul Rudd. 'nuf said.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WW: Videographers that Don't Suck

At first I really had no desire to have a videographer. Then every single person I spoke to said I should highly consider having one.

My problem is I hate the cheesemo videos that videographers come up with. Seriously. I'd much rather have an artistic crazy video than the whole long drawn out day. Also, I know how to edit videos, I used to do it as an intern all the time. So for me, if I'm going to pay someone to do something I can do, they better do it exactly the way I think it should go, and it should be utterly breathtaking on top of that.

Months ago Julibean found quite possibly the most amazing videographer I have ever seen samples from. They were vintage inspired and artistic and beautiful.

But she had found them. The last thing I wanted to do was steal a videographer from my sister when she was so hoping to be able to use them. But when someone is as good as this:

Well Spun Wedding Films from Jon Gangwer on Vimeo.

...something in me just can't pass it up.

I'm waiting for a sample DVD in the mail but Well Spun Wedding is truly fantastic. And if I'm going to have a videographer, I'm going to get one that is artsy fartsy like me.

Best thing ever though?! They give us all the raw footage. Which, to a normal everyday person wouldn't mean anything, but to me not being able to see the raw footage was an original deterrent to having a videographer. I wanted to be able to watch everything that they captured, not just what they thought was important.

The designer in me demands certain things...and apparently this company delivers it all.

P.S. This is one of my favorites.

Friday, August 6, 2010

DPF: Talk Nerdy To Me

Sometimes I wonder if Jason really knew what he was getting himself into here.

Or rather, I wonder if he knew how much of a nerd I was secretly. Oh, I will be the first to tell you that I am a huge nerd and can hold my own when discussing video games, cars, card games, Pokemon, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. But I don't spread it 'round often.

Today Jason and I had quite possibly one of the nerdiest discussions we've ever had. And to make it that much funnier, here it is as I retold it to Ashley:

Me: I am having quite possibly one of the nerdiest conversations I've ever had with Jason right now
: is it about science?
Me: no
Ash: elise
Me: here I'll explain
Me: it's more fun
Ash: think about what you said
: what is worse than science?
Ash: wait its more fun than science but so much worse to talk about?
Me: so it all started because we were talking about who he wanted in his bridal party and whether or not we thought everyone we wanted could afford it
Ash: and it got nerdy from there?
Me: just wait!
: my mind is about to be blown isnt it?
Me: and I told him I'm not really totally worried because most my girls make a decent living
Me: and even though my sister doesn't have money to spend on my wedding when her's is coming up, we'd work it out
Me: and this is where it started:
Me: I said basically that it's not like my parents would let my sister go naked
which in turn Jason asked in reply if they'd let me go naked to the wedding
Ash: dirty
Me: "Didn't Deanna Troi's mother (played by Gene Roddenberry's wife) show up naked to her wedding?"
Ash: mind
Ash: blown
Me: well actually I asked him if that solidified me in nerdiness
Me: "yes that helped solidify whatever was still liquid in your nerdiness potential!"
"Best TNG episode is still Rascals. I will always say this."
Me: "That the one when they got turned into kids? If so yea that was a great one. I will keep the time-looping/resetting/exploding episode as my favorite."
Me: "Is that the one where Picard is an old man on the planet that's spiraling towards a sun? Playing a happy tune on his recorder? Would you love me any more/less if I told you I know that song and play it on my flute sometimes?"
Ash: hahaha
Ash: elise
Me: I wonder if Jason knew how much of a Star Trek expert I am :x
Ash: i'm pretty sure that conversation went from average to mind blowingly nerdy to fucking hilariously adorable in no time.

And for those of you wondering:
No, that episode you speak of, they find a probe and it 'downloads' or whatever into Picard, who experiences the planet's culture and lifestyle through living as one of them. Even though it is a lifetime for him, it was 15 minutes or so IRL. The sun was dying (i.e. - when a star starts to 'die,' the 1st stage results in the star gradually expanding. When our star dies in billions of years from now, Earth will be gobbled up during its expansion before it collapses and forms a white dwarf), so as a race without spacetraveling technology, to save their culture and whatnot, they made a probe and launched it, which did its intended with Picard.

The one I'm talking about is the one where the Enterprise blows up every commercial break before they get themselves out of the loop finally.
And you should play that song for me sometime, its a nice song!"

So in celebration of nerditude!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WW: Not much

Don't really have a hell of a lot to report on the wedding front this week.

I saw Laura this weekend and sent her back to Heather with a contract and deposit. She's my most awesomest bridesmaid who lives in the Capital Region. (She might also be the only one who lives in the Capital Region but that doesn't sully that last statement.)

I'll be sending off the contract and deposit to the Hotel this week as well.

Jason's Mom remains pretty much the cutest woman I've ever met.

We've scheduled our e-session and tasting for a weekend in November. Things are slowly working their way together.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Manjoyment Monday: Is it a Full Moon?

I swear I'm not one of those people who is obsessed with vampire lore and the like. However True Blood on HBO is pretty spectacular.

The first time I ever saw it I was at a birthday party in Connecticut for my wifey Veebs. I hadn't seen her in awhile and her and her husband Nathan's new house is freak'n adorable. Plus their friends are pretty freak'n hilarious. We drank and ate chili and then played some beruit and life was good.

Then when we were all nice and sloshed Veebs turned on Season 1 of True Blood. Nathan had bought it for her for her birthday and she was so antsy to watch it.

She described it as "Like skinomax with vampires!"

This is why I love my friends.

Meanwhile I had no idea what was going on and was so confused (probably the tequila's fault) that I couldn't follow what was going on. But it was freak'n hot.

The hotness only continues to grow exponentially throughout the seasons. Hello Mr. Joe Manganiello!

Well you should have known better! I always prefer my men a little wolf-like. :P

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