I LOVE Halloween. It is my favorite holiday but it always seems to suck.
Remember the drama that ensued after last year's Halloween?
So this year I was excited to go into the city and actually have something to do! After our Kleinfelds appointment Casey and I hopped on a train up town and said goodbye to Julibean, Jaclyn, and the mothers.
We got to Ashley & Mel's and ate some delicious falafel, watched some hilarious television, and then got dressed into our awesome costumes.
Let me just say, my friends are awesome and creative. Even Casey who didn't have time to make or buy a costume came dressed as Harriet the Spy in a trench with a notebook ready to make observations.
So without further ado I'd like to introduce you to:
Seriously, awesome costumes!
We headed down to The Bitter End and enjoyed some good drinks, good music, and good times.
We saw some killer costumes. Originally Casey's brother Chris was thinking about coming out with us and I told him he could borrow my tutu and wear some combat boots and a Hawaiian shirt and be Ace Ventura...we thought this was a great and very original costume. Of course when we saw some guy on the street outside a bar dressed in that costume we gave him a high five as we walked past.

However, the greatest costume of the weekend was definitely a little eight year old girl Casey and I met on the subway on Sunday morning. She was standing there in a green leotard with a gigantic potted plant pot suspendered to her and her mother was holding this beautifully hand made green head thing. I knew immediately she was Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors and thought it was the most wonderful thing EVER.
I got to talk to the little girl and her mother and her mom told me that she wasn't even excited about the candy, she just wanted to wear the costume. Apparently the little girl had seen Little Shop of Horrors a few years back and was completely obsessed with Audrey II and wanting to dress up as the man-eating plant alien. The coolest part was when she put the plant head over her, the mouth would open when she shrugged her shoulders.
Honestly, this Halloween was fantastic. Even if I did turn Ashley's couch cushion orange.
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