Friday, October 1, 2010


Okay so there is no dancing here today per-say. But I am totally doing a little dance in my chair right now and I'll tell you why!

You all know that I love nerds. You all might realize at this point that I'm quite the nerd myself. So when I tell you that there's a Web Series that I love because it's about nerds I doubt you'd be shocked.

It's called The Guild and it is quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's a show written by Felicia Day about a group of people who play "The Game" aka WOW and are in a Guild together. The first season is all about them meeting out of game and becoming friends. The second season is a character developer. The third season tears them all apart and introduces a rival Guild and the fourth season has thus far been quite the gem.

Wil Wheaton (who I've loved since Star Trek: TNG) popped up as the leader of the rival Guild in season three and becomes a fake love interest for Felicia Day's character. One of the guys in the show who has been in love with her from the start gets this incredible piece of art done for her to show he supports their relationship 110%:

First of all, let's just talk about this image: It is GOLD.

This is like trashy romance novel cover art at it's BEST. (And we all know how I love those!) The original artwork is done by a man named Greg Aronowitz who I just want to kiss because this tickles me THAT MUCH.

Also, because I'm a dork I follow Felicia Day on twitter and after that episode aired I tweeted at her that they should totally produce the "Highland Sextasy" image as a poster. Apparently I wasn't the only person who asked for it because low and behold just yesterday she said:

feliciaday: FINALLY! Per demand: Thanks to our friends at @thinkgeek - Team Cawkes poster now available to purchase!

It's already on backorder. And I already have visions of buying it, framing it, and putting it on the wall above my craft'n table. I asked Jason if he'd still love me if I did this...the verdict is still out on that one.

But come on, wouldn't you just pee yourself with laughter if you walked into someone's room and saw that poster?!


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