Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WW: Videographers that Don't Suck

At first I really had no desire to have a videographer. Then every single person I spoke to said I should highly consider having one.

My problem is I hate the cheesemo videos that videographers come up with. Seriously. I'd much rather have an artistic crazy video than the whole long drawn out day. Also, I know how to edit videos, I used to do it as an intern all the time. So for me, if I'm going to pay someone to do something I can do, they better do it exactly the way I think it should go, and it should be utterly breathtaking on top of that.

Months ago Julibean found quite possibly the most amazing videographer I have ever seen samples from. They were vintage inspired and artistic and beautiful.

But she had found them. The last thing I wanted to do was steal a videographer from my sister when she was so hoping to be able to use them. But when someone is as good as this:

Well Spun Wedding Films from Jon Gangwer on Vimeo.

...something in me just can't pass it up.

I'm waiting for a sample DVD in the mail but Well Spun Wedding is truly fantastic. And if I'm going to have a videographer, I'm going to get one that is artsy fartsy like me.

Best thing ever though?! They give us all the raw footage. Which, to a normal everyday person wouldn't mean anything, but to me not being able to see the raw footage was an original deterrent to having a videographer. I wanted to be able to watch everything that they captured, not just what they thought was important.

The designer in me demands certain things...and apparently this company delivers it all.

P.S. This is one of my favorites.


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