Monday, August 16, 2010

MM: Casey? Kasey? Whatever!

Sometime last week Ashley and I were discussing the WORST NAMES you could ever give your child.

It was a pretty awesome conversation, mostly because I kept on considering how they'd sound with Jason's last name.

Cortez Koala took the cake with that one.
However, Ashley has decided her children will be Jedward and Reneseme.

Anyway, long story short I love the name Kasey for a boy. I've had this conversation many times with Casey who agrees that she thinks her name is better suited for a man.

Plus Casey Jones is pretty effing sweet:

Is it the horribly fake long hair? The brooding stare? The fact that he carries around a Louisville Slugger and a cricket bat in his golf bag? Not sure.

But I do certainly enjoy him.


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