Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chasing Windmills

I have an impossible dream.

Perhaps not impossible but definitely improbable.

I want to be a published author. Despite my ramblings and awful syntax here at Persnickety Penny I do have a way with words, I always have. I love to write things. Poems, short stories, haiku, novellas, novels, even a children's picture book!

They all sit in my hard drive mocking me. I guess my main issue is fear. What if someone reads something I've worked so hard on and hates it. They turn around and tell me I am a horrible writer and all I can do is believe them?

Awhile back I wrote (for realz) a children's book. My dad has been pushing me and hinting that I should get it published. Maybe this holiday season I should hunker down and actually illustrate it properly and then send letters out come the new year to see if I can get it published sometime in 2011.

Other than that thrilling picture book I typically just write trashy romance novels, you know, the ones I love to read. But I'm still hesitant. Even though characters are made up there's still a lot of personal things I put into each and every story. I suppose I'll just have to get over myself and just do it.

So I guess I should have put this on my 101 things list. It has been a dream of mine for a long time but it got pushed to the wayside when other things in my life became more important. I guess I really only thought about it because the amazingly wonderful Winona over at Daddy Likey is getting published. Granted she's already a writer and actually does it for a living and I am but a lowly wannabe but maybe, just maybe her exciting news was the spark I needed to light the fire under my ass.

Plus how sweet would it be if on a job application I could write that I was a published author...pretty sweet I say.


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