As I mentioned when we were baking, Jaclyn isn't your typical bride to be. So having a typical balls to the wall - clubbing, dancing, drinking, stripper extravaganza - bachelorette party was not in the cards. Instead we went to the wonderful 27 Om Spa for a day of pampering.
My facial was incredible it was the oddest feeling. I'd never had one before so it was definitely an interesting experience. My massage was wonderful and she finally worked that darn kink out of my back that has been bothering me forever. The ladies at the spa were fantastic, the service was excellent, and most importantly of all Jaclyn got to sit back and relax.
While she was out running errands though, we broke into her condo and decorated. Yeah...we went a little crazy.
That is totally a penis pinata and I totally put stickers on him
to make him a one eyed monster with his tongue hanging out!
After the Spa we met at the Cheesecake Factory and had a delicious dinner full of even more penes. We had a little giggle over the fact that our waiter took our glasses with these ridiculous straws sticking out of them back and forth from the bar as we got refills. He was a good sport about it at least.We got back to Jaclyn's and the night of fun continued with a few more drinks, some snacky foods, and the penis pinata. Turns out he makes an excellent hat when split down the middle and emptied.Originally we were just going to watch 80s movies like Girls Just Want to Have Fun and Sixteen Candles but somehow we got quite involved in the extended Purity Test and spent a lot of time ridiculing everyone's answers. Final scores ranged from 71% all the way down to 27% yeah, that's right 27%.
Then we went for a few rounds of Pin the Macho on the Man.Let me tell you, this was AMAZINGLY entertaining. Especially when Jess wound up about four feet away from the poster.All in all it was a fantastic night and I couldn't have imagined Jaclyn's bachelorette party any other way. Can't wait till October 25th!!!
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