Monday, August 24, 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days

As inspired by many, I am going to make a 101 Things to in 1001 Days list. Julibean just made one and I figure we could do some things together.

Start Date: Monday, 8/24/2009
Finish Date: Monday, 5/21/2012
Last Updated: Thursday, 4/15/2010

Family & Friends

1. Answer the phone whenever any relative calls, no matter what.
2. Write speech for Jaclyn & Andy's wedding.
3. Let Julianne motivate me to exercise.
4. Reconnect with one old friend.
5. Help Casey stick to her guns and finish school.
6. Meet up with the CC girls in Disneyland.
7. Visit Albany friends once a month (8/33).
8. Have a "date night" with Casey once a month (9/33).
9. Call Randi at least once a month (7/33).
10. Go to Randi's shows when applicable.

Love of my Life
11. Call/talk to Jason every day (234/1001).
12. Get engaged. AHHHHH!!! Completed 4/30/2010
13. Get engagement photos taken.
14. Move in with Jason.
15. Learn to dance with Jason.
16. Buy a house or condo.
17. Get married.
18. Watch one movie Jason recommends that I have never seen every month (2/33). [Live Free or Die Hard, Shoot 'em Up]
19. Watch one movie I recommend that Jason has never seen every month (2/33). [The Sound of Music, Star Trek]
20. Go hiking with Jason.
21. Visit the beaver pond again.
22. Eat healthier foods.
23. Teach Jason to kayak.
24. Have Jason teach me how to snowboard.

New Things

25. Make my own jam.
26. Make my own soap.
27. Make my own lotion.
28. Make my own bread.
29. Learn how to can fruits/veggies.
30. Go sky diving.
31. Learn how to drive stick better.
32. Add my DNA to the Be the Match registry. (Completed 11/10/2009)
33. Plant a garden.
34. Go antiquing and re-purpose furniture.
35. Go to a rodeo.
36. Go on a wine tasting tour.
37. Brew my own beer.
38. Go snowboarding.
39. Go to four new states I've never been to (0/4).
40. Go skinny dipping.
41. Go ice skating at Rockefeller Plaza.
42. Take a cake decorating class with Julianne.
43. Go to a gay bar.
44. Learn how to make lace.
45. Learn how to knit a sweater.

Mind, Body & Soul

46. Weigh myself every other day to chart fluctuations (158/500). (I usually weigh myself every day, but I have to account for days when I am away from home and without my scale. This number might reach over 500 in the meantime.)
47. Maintain weight (never going anymore than 2lbs over current weight).
48. Gradually lose weight, 0.5lb or more per week (11/143).
49. Wake up early at least three times a week to work out (15/429).
50. Take photos/measurements once a month to chart changes (1/33).
51. Get properly fitted for a bra.
52. Put some form of sunscreen on every day (234/1001).
53. Complete the 30 Day Shred.
54. Read the bible all the way through.
55. Go on Mission to Guatemala to visit sister parish.
56. Play flute once a month (0/33).
57. Learn five new songs on the guitar (0/5).
58. Try to actually listen to homilies at church.
59. Do some sort of brain teaser every day (160/1001).
60. Research local tattoo artists.
61. Get tattoo.
62. Get 20 followers on my blog (6/20).
63. Commit to the Couch to 5k Challenge.
64. Run a 5k.
65. Condition myself to run outdoors in the winter.
66. Sit up straight while at work and work on posture.
67. Get a professional massage. (Completed 9/5/09)
68. Get a facial. (Completed 9/5/09)
69. Go one week without eating fast food.

70. Go one month without eating fast food.

They Will be Mine...oh Yes, They Will be Mine...

71. Buy underwater case for camera. (actually got it as a Christmas present!)
72. Buy new laptop.
73. Donate clothes to charity at least once a year (3/3).
74. Re-populate pantie drawer with new better fitting panties.
75. Donate/make rags out of old pajamas and buy new happier ones.
76. Always search for coupons for any product.
77. Buy/adopt a puppy.
78. Buy Jason a bike.
79. Acquire all B&N Leatherbound Classic Series and read them all way through: Acquired (2/16), Read (0/16).
80. Start an on the side design business.

Leaving on a Jetplane
81. Go to Atlantic City. (Completed 11/7/2009)
82. Go to Las Vegas.
83. Go to Vancouver. (Completed 2/25/2010)
84. Go to the Olympics! (Completed 2/26/2010)
85. Go to Europe.
86. Re-learn conversational Spanish.
87. Learn conversational German.
88. Go to California.

Around the House
89. Re-organize bookshelves. (Completed 9/1/09)
90. Try on older clothing and donate everything that doesn't fit (2/4).
91. Donate everything that is not useful or beautiful to reduce clutter.

Do it Again, John Glenn!
92. Go canoeing.
93. See a Broadway show.
94. Go apple picking.
95. Go to the Zoo. (Completed 8/30/09)
96. Go to an amusement park. (Completed 4/10/10)
97. Drink around the world at Epcot again.

Maintaining Sanity
98. Re-organize entire music file.
99. Always make a shopping list.
100. Try not to stress over the little things.
101. Think about the good things in my life each night before going to bed (234/1001).

As I complete these things I'll mark them differently in the list. For every thing on my list that I do not complete, I will donate $2 to a charity. I'd say that I'd donate more, but a bunch of my things already involve donating different things, so in the long run I'm sure I'll have donated quite the pretty penny worth of things.


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