Saturday, February 6, 2010


I may or may not have mentioned it, but Christmas sort of gets stuck in our house for an extended period of time. Not only has Christmas gotten stuck this year, it brought friends.

Somehow it's a holiday explosion in our house right now. There are bits of Halloween and Valentine's Day tossed in with the Christmas decorations. I wish I could explain to you how this happened, but alas, I really cannot. I mean there's always a possibility that my mother cleaned out her store of holiday decorations at school and brought them home and that's why they're around out of season but I can't even toss the blame on her for sure.

Since Superbowl Sunday looms we've got a lot of work ahead of us.

Much as Bridget Jones chose "Vodka. And Chaka Khan." Julibean and I will probably blast some Lady Gaga and drink some wine while de-Christmasing.

It might take the next week to get it all done though :/


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