Friday, August 14, 2009

Long Week!

This week just won't end! It's dragging on like none other!

In less than 3 hours I'll be on a plane down to Norfolk, VA to see my Silly! We haven't seen each other since July when he and his parents stopped in, so this week couldn't go fast enough for me...but all it did was drag on! Ugh!

I mean not to say we didn't have some excitement. Jaclyn & Andy mailed out their invitations once I finished writing out all the envelopes in my now perfected calligraphy style. Wednesday night we helped them stuff the last of the invitations and I printed, chopped, and punched each and every one of their handmade rehearsal dinner invitations (more on that when I get back).

Tuesday we met our newest little addition to our family of friends. Little Xavier has definitely stolen our hearts, and I just want to devour him, he's so cute!

Thursday the Beaner started Law School Orientation. And despite the fact that I was at work when she left, I imagined her going through a movie montage while getting ready...much like the one Elle Woods goes through in Legally Blonde.

And I've continued to seed my mother's head with ridiculous ideas about how I'll have a circus wedding since she seems to think that's what I mean when I say I don't want a traditional wedding every time J&A's pending nuptials come up and everyone sounds so overwhelmed.

*sigh* Am I in Virginia yet?


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