Friday, March 19, 2010

Dance Party Friday: Ask Me About My Wiener!

In college Laura and I did a lot of our grocery shopping together at Sam's Club. I vividly recall one day when we were in the frozen food section and both looked into a freezer case and immediately decided we needed to buy and devour corndogs.

I love corndogs.

I feel like a horrible person because I didn't know that there was a National Corndog Day. Luckily Winona over at DaddyLikey keeps me well informed on important holidays like this.

Apparently National Corndog Day occurs on a different day each year. It "coincides with the Saturday of the final 32 teams in NCAA basketball tournament" which for those of you like me who don't know anything about basketball is the only day you can turn on one channel and watch four consecutive basketball games.

They suggest eating your corndogs with tater tots and a delicious beer.

Allow me to just say this:
Greatest. Holiday. EVER!

So to celebrate, please enjoy these happy condiments dancing around from this retro drive-in intermission clip.

If you ask me, I'd say that hot dog was playing hard to get.

In other news, my awesome friend Morgan just started a new blog.
How Do You Like Me Now?

Somehow I've already made an appearance even though she's only had it a few weeks. I guess we're just both really cool like that.


sheam2 said...

yeahhh, shout out! also, i did not know there was a national corndog day which i should have since i religiously watch those basketball games!i'm disappointed in myself!

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