Friday, September 17, 2010

The Call

Oh hey, I don't think Long Island got the memo. Did...did you get the memo?

Didn't you hear?

Cthulhu was in town last night?

Oh yeah, tornadoes knocking LIRR trains over. Trees falling down willy nilly killing people in cars. Flooding. Lightning strikes. Thunder storms. Stand still traffic on major high ways. Chaos in Penn Station.


I'm surprised they didn't call out the National Guard.

I went to a production meeting last night and Mary Ann was telling us how she almost got taken out by a monsoon at the train station and was glad one of her friends stopped by to pick her up. (This from the woman who slept on 34th Street for a night during the Blackout of '03 because she couldn't get home nor could she see three feet in front of her to walk to a hotel or her boss' apartment.)

Penn Station apparently was shut down, they wouldn't let anyone in because it was already over crowded, and they had to cancel all trains and some subway lines too.


My mother's school is closed today. Apparently they have no power and there are a few trees through some windows. Lovely.

My Dad and I stood out on the porch last night and just watched it rain. We like to do this sometimes. Thunder/lightning storms are pretty cool. The amount of rain that came down in such a short amount of time is really when Long Island suffers.

We're only about 5 feet above sea level so flash floods are a huge possibility when it pours as hard as it did last night.

But me...I think I enjoy the cuddly Cthulhu a little bit more than the scary apocalyptic one.

(First image from Wikipedia. Second from ThinkGeek.)


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