Monday, May 31, 2010

"It Sucks to Be Me"

On our way up to CT Friday afternoon we heard on the radio that Gary Coleman had died.

I know he's had a really rough life and for that I'm sad because it was never easy for him. However since I'm in the generation I'm in, the only real Gary Coleman interaction I personally have ever had was through Avenue Q. I never watched Different Strokes so I was never familiar with his work on the show.

I realize in Avenue Q it's just a caricature of the man, and in fact the person who plays him in the show is a woman, but I like to imagine Gary Coleman a fun-loving, goodhearted, landlord whose just trying to make his way in life on the non-existent Avenue Q. A little grumpy? Sure. A little inappropriate? You bet! That's how I'll always remember Gary Coleman.


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