Monday, November 23, 2009

The Lulu Saga: NEVER ENDS!

After an utterly amazing weekend enjoying the PC Show, and the PC Kid's company, as well as making new friends with some WPI guys from Simple Harmonic Motion...I woke up this morning dreading going to work just because I was still exhausted from the after party Saturday night. (Yeah, we started drinking at 4pm on Saturday, and yeah, I'm not in college anymore so I need a full day to recover apparently.)

I get into Lulu and turn the key...*click click click click click* and the dash board does it's own rendition of a light switch rave.

Battery = Dead.

My Dad's away on business so he suggests calling our local mechanic to come around the corner and jump the car and check the battery connections. Gene saves the day and I load Lulu's trunk with some jumper cables (just in case) and drive off to work.

But seriously? They righted Lulu's windshield wipers but didn't connect the battery correctly?! WILL THIS EVER END?!?!

So now I have to make another phone call to the dealership and I'll probably have to drop the car off again and I just want to scream at this point.

(P.S.-Although I'm old and can't party like I used to, James MADE MY LIFE this weekend. Photos and explanation to follow...)


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