In case I hadn't mentioned it, my sister Julianne and her boyfriend Chris got engaged! Currently Chris is living outside of Baltimore while Julibean finishes out her first year of law school. She's looking to transfer to another DC/MD area school next year.
This past weekend was their engagement party down in the MD. Julibean and I packed into the newly fixed but still not perfect Lulu, and drove down. It was painful. I'm sorry New Jersey, but learn how to drive!We finally made it into Maryland and to celebrate Julibean swapped a bunch of ridiculous cds into Lulu's 6-cd changer and I was shocked, but not all together surprised that she had chosen the Swan Princess soundtrack. Yes friends, I love the Swan Princess and a lot of other non-Disney animated movies! *gasp*
Our favorite tracks include the opening number: This is My Idea and Far Longer than Forever performed in all it's 90s glory by Jeffrey Osbourn and Regina Belle. I'm always the man in that duet. If you haven't heard this magical song, the best I can do for you is this video of the credits.
Anyway, when we finally got to Chris' apartment we enjoyed some good pizza, some good beer, and some good company as our friends began to pour in. It was a good night of frivolity, as you can see by the happy faces of Rich and Morgan as we played Uno Explode or whatever the Uno game is called where it spits cards at you.
The engagement party was also a great time. A bunch more of Julibean's friends showed up who happen to live in the Baltimore area or who were visiting family there that weekend. And since we had about 8 former PC Kids we even sang a few songs a cappella for Chris' grandparents.
All in all a great weekend, plus I got to see Jason since Baltimore is half way between Virginia and LI and that was simply wonderful!
I had to tack this last photo on at the end because Chris is the least photogenic person EVER and he actually looks pretty good in this shot!
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