Day 1, Jason's birthday!
In some weird twist of fate, my boyfriend Jason and I were born less than 12hours apart from each other. We find this a perfect excuse to have a joint celebration each year. (In college I also had two friends with birthday's on either side of ours so we found that a perfect excuse to have birthdayapalooza parties. Which were practically legendary.)If you haven't already heard Disney is giving away free park admission tickets if you go on your birthday. We thought this was the perfect way to celebrate since we'd only each have to pay for one day, and since we haven't been to Disney in a few years.
We flew down early Sunday morning, managing to make stand-by onto the first flight out of JFK down to Orlando.
It was beautiful. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and we got the tiniest rent-a-car in the world. (Free park tickets, stand-by, tiny rental...are we sensing the cheapo pattern here?) We made it to Magic Kingdom by noon and I immediately began the birthday torture.
We had a "magical" day, wandering around Frontierland for quite a long time and getting some what lost on Tom Sawyer's Adventure Island (which I had never actually ever crossed the water to get to). It was really warm though...really warm, and we spent most the day eating ice cubes and didn't actually have a real meal while in the park.
We decided after a decent stint in Tomorrowland that we'd forgo watching the fireworks to meet up with my friend Ron and grab some dinner outside the park. We piled back into the tiny red rental just in time for it to start pouring. Florida's fun like that!
Met Ron at his house in Orlando and he gave us the grand tour of the area and we had some delicious dinner at Panera and caught up on those "olden days" we'd shared in college.
I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that I, the graphic designer, looked at it and knew exactly what the note meant and why it was there, or the fact that Jason, in all his engineering wisdom, looked at it and said, "Filter triangled..."
Sometimes it's strange for me to see friends from college. I don't necessarily consider myself old, but some of the stories Ron and I were prattling on about to Jason happened six years ago. Weird, right? I guess I'm just getting to that age where I have friends across the country and I'm realizing the enormity of it all. We spent four amazing years together and now we're scattered, I hope at some point in life I get to see all of them together again. I guess that's what reunion is for.
...tomorow! My Birthday's recap.
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