Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let's all go!

I'm going to ignore the fact that I haven't posted anything here in AGES and just jump right in.

In most recent news:
  • Jason is a cripple. He sprained his ankle playing volleyball.
  • I am not allowed to play volleyball because it's a company thing and I do not work for the company. Instead I've become a avid - and sometimes vocal but usually I just gesture a lot - fan of Jason's volleyball and floor hockey teams.
  • My job is slowly sucking out my soul.
  • I continue to have no social life because I spend 2+ hours in the car commuting to and from work every day.
  • There are babies about to pop out EVERYWHERE.
  • Lulu is no more.
  • My sister and I have adopted Marines and we send letters on a weekly basis and care packages on a monthly/bi-monthly basis to complete strangers.
  • We've had what my parents like to call "The mother of all summers and the summer of all mothers" followed by what my brother calls "The winter of our discontent"...
But other than that I'm good. Lots of things to catch up on but let's face it, we'll be lucky if I manage to keep up with the current goings on, let alone backtrack and backpost.


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