Thursday, March 29, 2012

DT Vs. Bambi

Had an exciting morning again. One that I would have rather not had. I hit a deer.

Well, I suppose that it didn’t happen exactly how you might imagine. I was driving up Rt. 9 and some guy was parked with his hazards over in the off-ramp and he was standing outside of his car and I thought it was really odd that he was so far away from his Jeep.

I try to be very aware of motorcyclists, bikers, and pedestrians on the road. They are outside their vehicles and it scares me that there is no metal around them to serve as protection. So queue to me driving up over this rise in the left lane, a car is next to me in the right lane, I’m conscious of the guy outside of his car over on the off ramp, and all of a sudden there is a huge body in the middle of the road.

Yes, the deer I hit was already dead. But it freaked me out completely and the most I could get out of the way was drift a little into the right lane, but there was another car there. I still wound up driving over the thing with my front left tire and man did it make a loud noise.

DT is a tank though. Rolled right over it and dropped back down to the road with a clank and I’m sure the alignment is out of whack AGAIN after we just got it fixed last week, but at least I didn’t cause an accident.

I pulled off the highway to A) Check out DT’s tire and front end, and B) Find a gas station and get a gallon or two to make it all the way to work. DT does this really fun thing where he’ll say he has more than a ¼ tank, but really he’s got close to nothing and within 20 miles the light is on. It’s a fun game we play because I can make it to work on a ¼ tank of gas, but I don’t like to cut it so close that the light is on for 40+ miles of my commute.

Apparently mid/central Connecticut is a veritable wasteland. I got off the highway and headed toward a little airport because it was sort of still on my way to work and I figured where there’s an airport there’s a gas station. It took me a good 15 minutes of driving before I found one. And I nearly cringed at the price. Gas over $4/gallon should be illegal.

Luckily DT’s tire looks fine and there weren’t any Bambi-bits stuck to him or anything. So I made it to work finally, no more worse for the wear but holy effing crap, I hit a deer.

DT: 1, Nature: 0


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