Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WW: Slowly but Surely

On Saturday I had my first dress fitting. I'm not going to post a photo since Jason glances at my blog now and then but it fit like a glove. As of right now I need absolutely no alterations.

How awesome is that?

I have my final fitting the first week of June so we'll see if I can manage to lose a few pounds this month, but I'm happy with the way the dress looks and everyone at the salon adored my shoes...and that's really the most important part, right?

I was very worried that there would be SOMETHING wrong with the dress, but really, it's perfect. The added fabric to the top is just high enough on my chest that I'm not in danger of falling out, but the girls still look glorious...and that's really the most important part, right Jason?

When I started dress shopping Jason's only criteria was that I find a "sturdy" dress. At Jaclyn's wedding my boobs popped open the seam on the front of the dress and I was pretty much just hanging out the whole afternoon. At Laura's wedding I had the seamstress reinforce the seam that popped at Jaclyn's wedding, but instead a strap popped.

As for my wedding dress, there are no wrap-like seams, and there are no straps. So the likely hood of me breaking a seam or a strap is nil. Did I mention it fits like a dream?

All of the invitations are in the mail now. It is taking USPS FOREVER to get the invitations to people and to get the RSVPs back to me. I have it on good authority that a friend of mine in Jersey sent her RSVP in over a week and a half ago. Usually it takes two days tops for mail to reach me from NJ...what's up with that? Just adding stress I don't need.

Since we have about 90% of the guest list responded next week we're going to start trying to work on the seating chart. I'm hoping for the most non-traditional seating arrangement we can figure out. A lot of our friends are friendly with each other. My brother is friends with people that Jason's brother is friends with, so we're not separating any of our friends by "side"...meanwhile I'd really like to have all the younger people on one side of the room and have all the family and family friends on the other side. Mix everyone in, you know? So instead of his and hers it's more a generational gap.

I was very happy to get one RSVP from a friend of mine who is very elusive and I was worried wouldn't come. But hooray! He is! There are a few friends we're waiting on but then we're done! YAY!

I still have oh...idk...a dozen beaded flowers to make for the bridesmaids bouquets and the mother/grandmother corsages, ~160 pinwheel escort cards to make once I order the wooden dowels, OOT bags for people staying at the Hilton, favors, and of course I have to stay on top of my two bridesmaids who are making all the chair ties.

But wait, there's more...I'm moving first week of June! So add into that a packing frenzy and you've got yourself one stressed bride.

I just want to give up now.

This weekend we're settling the cake, the rehearsal dinner location, the ceremony details, and I have my hair trial. Now THAT I'll post a photo of, I don't have my veil yet unfortunately so it won't be the entire look, but it'll give me a good idea of what to expect.

Meanwhile I have awesome friends and a fantastic bridal party that's trying to do as much as possible to keep my stress level down.

My Awesome 80s Prom Bachelorette Extravaganza is next weekend, SO excited, SO can't wait to see all the girls, and SO can't wait for the EPIC photos that will ensue.

*sigh* are we there yet?


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