Friday, May 13, 2011

DPF: The 80s were AWESOME

Tomorrow for my bachelorette the girls and I are going to the Awesome 80s Prom. It's going to be EPIC. I'm going for the Madonna rolling around on the floor in a wedding dress look. Fantastic photos to follow...

For today's dance party Friday I'd like to glace back at what I was doing around this time in say, 1987. Although I was only two, I remember it well.

My Aunt Nancy would come over (almost every day) with my cousin David. While Nancy and Mama chatted in the kitchen, Dave and I would watch Sleeping Beauty. ALMOST EVERY DAY.

We would take turns hiding under the covers when Maleficent reared her ugly head and swirled into green hurricanes and flames to move around.

Our mothers would find it hilarious that we would shout things like, "Touch the bindle!" at each other while we were playing.

In celebration of that simpler time, please enjoy Prince Phillip's dance of rejoicing:

(Image borrowed from someone fantastic on Tumblr.)


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