Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Great Gonzo

The other day I was watching the Muppets Take Manhattan. It probably comes in a close second to the Muppet Christmas Carol as my favorite Muppet movie.

I love the Muppets irrevocably. (You liked how I slipped that in there, didn't you?) There is just something so wonderful about them and they were a huge part of my childhood.

Back at school whenever we had auditions for Partial Credit the one question I would always ask each singer is Whose your favorite Muppet? because I liked to get them to laugh and feel more comfortable and because your favorite Muppet actually tells me a lot about your personality. It's like my own personal litmus test.

When someone said they hated the Muppets or they didn't know the Muppets I had a gut reaction that told me I could never be friends with that person. I know...I'm special.


I realized as the Great Gonzo started up his chorus of chickens doing their version of Tony Bennett singing the William Tell Overture that if Jason were ever to be a Muppet, he would in fact be Gonzo.

Let's compare shall we:

  • Gonzo is one of a kind (Well he is if you've never seen Muppets From Space), to me, Jason is one of a kind.
  • Gonzo has a pretty big schnoz, Jason has a pretty big nose too.
  • Gonzo has a thing for chickens (particularly ones named Camilla), Jason has a thing for chickens (not the same kind of "thing" however).
  • Gonzo is hilarious, Jason keeps me laughing too.
  • Gonzo likes to be shot out of a cannon, Jason will always try anything once in his own adventurous way.
  • I love Gonzo because he is a Muppet, I love Jason.
See, I mean it's as if it were right there in front of me all this time! It would have reached out and slapped me in the face if I had let it.

Plus, Gonzo is quite the charmer, I mean check out that fantastic suit and those wonderful chocolates he's bought for his chick. Every once in awhile Jason surprises me with something sweet and unexpected.

So what's my point here?

Maybe it's because I'm in full on wedding mode since we're working on Laura's invites this week, but don't you think Gonzo and Camilla would make the most adorable cake topper?

I mean come on, they're so cute! And they don't care about inter-species dating or the challenges that life might bring. They're just looking to have a good time together as Mr. & Mrs. Weirdo.

And I'll leave you with this quote from the movie:

[Gonzo uses mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on his chicken]
Miss Piggy: Gonzo, is Camilla all right?
Gonzo: Yeah, but I think we're engaged!

Goodnight everybody, I'll be here all the week!

Photo credits: first and second (not only is the photo from there, but he has an excellent post comparing different personality types of Muppets in the Publicity it!)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Bitches, Happy Drunken Tuesday!"

Last night was pretty fantastic.

I had work, whatevs it was fine and I actually enjoy working with the store manager because she's really mellow and lets me do my own thing without commanding me to do something. She knows I know what to do and just lets me get it done in my own way. I appreciate that.

Anyway, after work I met up with Julibean and some friends at one of our favorite local bars. RJ's is a really nice place to go to happy hour, especially when the outdoor bar is open. Casey and I sometimes meet her parents there after an especially brutal day of work and we've made friends with some of the bartenders. (Which is always the greatest friendship to forge.)

Since it was a Tuesday night the bar itself was pretty quiet. I met up with them around 10ish and caught up with some people I haven't seen in awhile which is always nice.

Matt (Julibean's Army friend) is home for a few weeks. He needed a break since he's going through a pretty horrific divorce/paternity crisis. It's seriously awful and I feel so bad about it because Matt is a great guy and doesn't deserve that sort of ish from anyone.

Anyway one of Matt's other friends wound up being at the other end of the bar celebrating his birthday so we invited him down to our end of the bar to share some cake. Since she's in the cake portion of her pastry schooling Julibean brought along one of three cakes she had made in class so we could munch on it at the bar.

While everyone was making birthday cakes and anniversary cakes, Julibean went straight for the Drunken Tuesday cake.

Sorry for the poor quality.
Bar lighting + cell camera = shitty photo.

The story of Drunken Tuesday:
When we were in school Wednesday was typically a day of no classes. Sure, some people had testing periods early in the morning or labs, but most of us (the Humanities students) didn't have any Wednesday classes.

So Tuesday night became a great night for parties and going out to the bars since everyone had a light schedule on Wednesdays. Literally the campus was buzzing on a Tuesday night, it was insane.

Drunken Tuesday was born.

It was inevitable. Even if you were just sitting around you apartment with nothing to do and no parties to hit up, you would pop open some wine or some tequila and watch a movie and get drunk with your roommates. It was marvelous.

So in honor of our college days, we had some Drunken Tuesday cake and some drinks and now I'm going on like 5hrs of sleep instead of my usual 7. But thems the breaks. It was a fun night and I don't regret it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crazy Go Nuts

This weekend was extremely productive. Laura and I got a whole lot done.

Typically when we get together we make a whole lot of plans to do certain things and then we only get maybe two out of the seven things done. This weekend we got everything done except one thing...and that was to eat corndogs. Alas, regrettably we just couldn't fit it in to our busy schedule.

However the following things on our list got done:

  • Candle Party - This was the reason I left work a little early on Friday, so I could get up to Albany and be there for Laura/Chrissy's Candle Party. It's like a Tupperware Party except with fire.
  • Folded all 125 pocketfolds for the invitations.

    Our hand crafted pocketfolds.

  • Stamped the return address on the back of all invitation envelopes.
  • Stamped their address on all the RSVP envelopes.

  • Went to GoodWill and found glass containers of various shapes and sizes for Laura's candy buffet.
  • Went to a few antique stores and found a bracelet for Laura to wear to her wedding. Her grandmother had given her a necklace and earrings ages ago and we managed to find a bracelet (decently priced) that matches the set exactly!

  • Hit up a good sale at Michael's and got the last bit of adhesive tape, stamp pads, and various other things we needed for wedding crafting and the like. I love when absolutely everything on my receipt is 20% off.
I'm going back up to Albany this weekend because we are in fact still a weekend's worth of work behind because of the funeral and the fact that I haven't been able to get up there since.

So for this week I am racing to get the invitations designed, printed and cut. As well as two of the four inserts designed, printed and cut. Then this weekend we'll assemble what we have so far and emboss their monogram on the invitations and the belly bands and put those together as well.

No rest for the bridesmaids. As if I could complain about doing stuff that's so creative and fun!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dance Party Friday: Ask Me About My Wiener!

In college Laura and I did a lot of our grocery shopping together at Sam's Club. I vividly recall one day when we were in the frozen food section and both looked into a freezer case and immediately decided we needed to buy and devour corndogs.

I love corndogs.

I feel like a horrible person because I didn't know that there was a National Corndog Day. Luckily Winona over at DaddyLikey keeps me well informed on important holidays like this.

Apparently National Corndog Day occurs on a different day each year. It "coincides with the Saturday of the final 32 teams in NCAA basketball tournament" which for those of you like me who don't know anything about basketball is the only day you can turn on one channel and watch four consecutive basketball games.

They suggest eating your corndogs with tater tots and a delicious beer.

Allow me to just say this:
Greatest. Holiday. EVER!

So to celebrate, please enjoy these happy condiments dancing around from this retro drive-in intermission clip.

If you ask me, I'd say that hot dog was playing hard to get.

In other news, my awesome friend Morgan just started a new blog.
How Do You Like Me Now?

Somehow I've already made an appearance even though she's only had it a few weeks. I guess we're just both really cool like that.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The sky is falling!

If you hadn't heard the northeast got hit really really hard this weekend with hurricane winds and rain. New Jersey is still under water and there are roughly 2800 people on Long Island who still don't have power and haven't had it since Saturday.

Now let's step back here for a moment. Saturday early evening Casey picked me up from the train station and we ran an errand over to Michael's where I hit an awesome sale on supplies I needed for Laura's shower invites.

On our way we had to pull into a Carvel parking lot and snap a photo of this:

The sky is falling...and so are the ice cream cones. We're talking ridiculous winds here people, crap was falling out of the sky left and right!

Casey just got a new car...or rather, new to her car. His name is Sven and he is a 1998 Volvo S70. He's fantastic, all the ladies love him.

Sven is also much safer than the Eclipse that was totaled when Casey was hit last month by a girl making an illegal blind left turn into the exit of a strip mall. I am happy Casey has Sven because I worry about her safety.

Anyway. We suddenly decided that we should do something fabulous for our birthday since this year is our quarter century. Cruise to the Bahamas? Yes, please. We spent most the night as the power flickered on and off and the wind blew hard against my windows researching different cruises and how much a 3-day cruise would be.

Long story short, we're too poor to go on a cruise but we're thinking about going to Universal Orlando and staying with my wonderful friend Ron and just spending a long weekend in the warm warm Florida weather.

Once we had enough sitting there planning we decided to venture out and get something to eat. We tried to get to Outback but the roads were flooded. We tried then to turn around and go to Friday's but the power had gone out in that town. We wound up at an Applebees and it was pretty delicious.

What the hell is my point?!

People are still without power. This is awful, but people some people just won't stop complaining about it. There is a LOT of damage and it takes a LOT of time to repair that damage before power can be restored fully.

I know this because my father works for a utility company.

People are all over the news crying about how the utility companies don't care and they're dragging their feet and wah wah wah. They are doing everything they can!

I know this because my father works for a utility company and has been working non-stop since Sunday morning.

The other morning I was getting some iced coffee from DD and a cop and some random guy were standing there bad mouthing the "lazy" utility company workers. The cop basically said that he'd been sitting in road blocks all day waving people past downed wires and that the only thing he'd seen from the utility company was a truck stop, look at the damage, make a note of it and drive away.

There is a certain level of triage that the utility companies have to go through. First they assess the damage, then they determine which repairs will be the most important to the largest number of people and then they send crews out to make the repairs. They had everyone imaginable out in the field logging damage and now they have everyone imaginable out in the field starting repairs. They have crews in from Connecticut and even Detroit helping them in these repairs.

My father who has worked with a utility company for over 30 years and is now a manager who works a desk job has been driving around all day every day since Sunday. So listen to me people, they are doing everything they can. It's not like they are sitting on their butts delegating work, they have managers and uppity ups out in the field doing work.

I understand the frustration of being without power for an extended period of time. But this happens all the time in NH where Jason's family lives. During the ice storms this winter and last winter Jason's family was without power for 4 days. And that was in the middle of winter when the temperature was below freezing. Did they complain? No. Were they inconvenienced? Of course. But I just feel like no one up there made THAT big a deal out of it all. They would get power back when they got power back and they prepared themselves for the lack of power and survived through.

Power goes out on LI for a few days and everybody's irritable, angry, complain-y, and mean. Again, I understand the frustration, but just don't take it out on the utility companies. A lot of them don't have power at home either and they're trying their hardest to do everything they can to expedite the repairs so they can go home and turn a light on.

End rant.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Marry me?

I just needed to share with you all that I will be marrying these Christian Louboutin shoes.

That is all.

Swoon Margi Diams

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vintage and Awesome

Well you all know me. I like to randomly look at things online.

Yesterday I came across these and I just had to share. First off they are completely and utterly gorgeous. I love the idea of using vintage enamel broaches as flowers in a bouquet.

These beauties are from Fantasy Floral Design and I am in love.

Not only are these really cool, but I feel like this is something that I could make myself. I'll have to look into it and see if I can find any tutorials online about it, but how incredible a bouquet would that be?

I can't stop staring at them!

I'm just in such a wedding mood. This weekend I'm off to Albany to visit with Laura and start making her pocketfolds for her invitations. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm more than willing to put the work in to produce a fabulous product for my best friend.

I can't wait to get started. I caught a killer sale at Michael's the other day and got 100 sheets of multi-colored cardstock for less than $6. I'll be able to use some of it for Laura's shower invites and thank yous that I have to start making soon too. Hopefully all I have to buy for those are envelopes and maybe a cute stamp. I have an idea in mind of what I want to do but I need to talk to the MOH first and see if she approves.

Tonight I have a dinner/movie date with Ashley. We're going to see Remember Me. It was either that or Dear John. What can I say, we both love the sappy crappy movies...

Ashley read the spoilers for it and apparently it has a ridiculously off the charts, I didn't see that coming, ending. She was going to tell me but I decided it'd be more fun for her to watch my reaction and talk about it afterward than it would be to just talk about it now.

Seriously. Can't stop staring.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jersey Boys

Friday night I went into Jersey City to hang out with my friends James and Glenn. I am a horrible friend and I haven't seen them since last summer and although we keep in touch online it's definitely not the same. So since I hadn't seen them in so long and I needed James' help with my laptop I decided to trudge into the city and down to Jersey Friday night.

First off I missed my train. I literally was running up the escalator and my foot hit the platform as it was pulling out of the station. So cue to me miserable, cold and wet standing on the platform watching all the cozy dry people on their way into the city. The next train wasn't for half an hour so I went across the street and got a latte and caught up on some chit chat with Laura since we haven't spoken on the phone to each other since before I went to Vancouver.

Finally got into the city and Subwayed down to WTC and was surprised to find James waiting for me at the station. We caught up a bit on the PATH and got back to their apartment after a brisk walk past the water.

James and Glenn were roommates freshman year and they were quite possibly the funniest combo of roommates ever. Sophomore year James moved in with some other friends and Glenn moved into his frat, later Glenn became an RA and lived upstairs from me. It was pretty chill.

After graduation they found a place together in Jersey City and have since moved to a slightly nicer place. Next year they hope to actually move into NYC but we'll see how that turns out.

We often refer to James and Glenn as hetero-lifemates. They are totally like an old married couple and treat each other as such and I love the way they interact. I totally forgot how much I missed them and now that I know how to get to their new place I'll be able to visit more often. (Preferably not when the sky is falling.)

So we had a wonderful weekend hanging around, catching up, remembering old times, and eating delicious food.

Plus they helped me completely wipe my laptop and rebuild it. Saffron is no more, now I have Frank and he's fabulous and runs so well and I'm going to treat him so good and not clog up his hard drive.

Hooray for my boys!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Today I'm doing a lot of back-posting.

If you're interested:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Slightly Alive

Sorry for the lack of posting. I have lots of really cool images of Seattle and Vancouver to share with everyone and whatnot but I came home with the worst case of strep throat I have ever had.

Strep throat and I go way back. Each of us had what I like to call a "sickness of choice" while we were growing up except Dan. Dan was always really healthy up until college and then he got it all at once but let's get back to my tonsils.

Julibean's sickness of choice was always an ear infection. She had so many that eventually she got tubes put in her ears and it just continued on from there.

Since I was a child my sickness of choice was strep. In fact, I have terrifyingly large tonsils. I wish I were making that up. The first time my pediatrician looked down my throat he jumped back, and that was on a healthy day. So when I get strep or even a little sore throat, I am miserable.

This was the be all end all cases of strep. My father has never seen my tonsils that bad. I went to the doctor and he told me they were disgusting is that? My tonsils were not only inflamed, they were bleeding.

So basically I've spent all my time since we landed Monday in bed. Lots of antibiotics, lots of ice, lots of gatorade...yeah...this is the life.

Monday and Tuesday I ate nothing but a frosty from Wendy's and then got sick so it didn't really matter that I had eaten it.

Yesterday and today I've managed (so far) to drink water, Gatorade and have eaten some Ritz crackers.

Downside to all of this is I've missed pretty much a full week of work now in addition to the time I took off to go to Seattle/Vancouver. Luckily my manager is awesome and told me to stay home today. I'm thinking I'll be able to get to work tomorrow. I don't want to push myself too hard but I think I'll be well enough to get in.

Up side to all of this is since I've been too sick to eat anything at all I've lost 7lbs. I know once I start actually eating again it'll level out but geeze, if only I could lose 7lbs in a week. It'd be nice, but so, so unhealthy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Manjoyment Monday: The Man You Could Smell Like

I saw this commercial and a few things happened all at once.

  1. I admired Old Spice for making such a hilarious commercial that was witty and sexy and had nothing to do with those ridiculous Axe ads that I hate.
  2. I kind of wanted to go to the store and find out what this man smells like.
  3. I laughed out loud for a long time once it was over.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did:

Simply amazing.

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