I love my friends.
No really.
My friends are flipp'n fantastic and I'll tell you why.
When I said I wanted to do the Awesome 80s Prom for my bachelorette party my friend's didn't look at me like I was crazy. No! They didn't think, wtf is wrong with you, why would you want to relive the 80s? No! They didn't scoff at me and tell me it was stupid to get dressed up and hit the town like we did the time warp again.
Instead they rose to the occasion, and boy, did they EVER turn it out for this party!
My fabulous cousin Jaclyn planned everything to a T, organized the girls, and got e-invites out to everyone, all while she was preggers. She couldn't join us day of (nursing a baby is kind of killer on your social life) but she was a very integral part of this fabulous event. Day of, Casey took the lead and hosted 8 girls in her house (we actually were expecting more than 12 originally but some NH ladies stayed in the City instead) and if ever there were an event for Casey to be on point, this was it.
She went all out. I showed up at her house and this is what I was met with:
we started teasing and spraying like crazy.
I think this is why all photos from the 80s are mad blurry,
because of the hair spray in the air!
But not before snapping some fantastic photos.
Totally loved the Joan Jett look she was going for.
And yes, she wore a thong leotard.
And yes, people were coming up to her all night long telling her:
"Damn, you've got balls."
And drank it from brown paper bags on the ride home.
So I had the sweetest little conversation with Amanda no the train ride home. She was basically just super excited that she'd finally have a sister, which I thought was so incredibly sweet of her to say. She grew up with two older brothers and no in-house female cohort.
Julibean and I pretty much told her we're a package deal, and that she's getting two sisters for the price of one. Amanda seemed okay with the deal :P
In review:
- Top night!
- I have the greatest friends EVER
- If you decide to go to Prom, make sure you buy a package with drinks included. Trust me it's worth it! Amanda bought a round of shots and it was like $50+ ...for 4 shots. We assumed they'd be crazy NYC drink prices, but $18 for a shot is a little overpriced and the drinks in the packages are only like $5-7 each.
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