Today, dancing would be inappropriate.
Today, pretty much any sort of rejoicing would be inappropriate.
I didn't sleep well last night. I had a horrible nightmare and woke up at 1:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I was awake at 3:33 when Jason txted me.
News, Japan, when you get up.
I have a one track mind right now, so my first initial reaction was OMG HE GOT A JOB OFFER IN JAPAN WTF ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH OURSELVES?! But then I realized I was crazy and sleep deprived and I should probably just ask what he was talking about.
Once he relayed that it wasn't anything to do with him and everything to do with a devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan I felt relieved and stressed at the same time.
Up until a few months ago we had multiple military friends stationed in Japan. Fortunately those friends are back in the states and as safe as any military personnel stationed here can be.

My heart goes out to all of Japan, and anyone who has family or friends there. It's going to take a long time for them to get back on their feet after this.
For now I'm mostly concerned with flooding on the West Coast of the US, Dan does live near water.
(Image borrowed from CNN)
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