First off. It's Earth Day. However much I love the Earth I dislike Earth Day. Similarly however much I love Love, I dislike Valentine's Day.
I'm not a big fan of one day out of the year to say I Love You or to Recycle. I think those are things we should be doing every day of the year.
On a completely different topic, I've been watching Season 1 of Dollhouse on Netflix and just yesterday there was a moment in the episode Briar Rose where Alan Tudyk has a ridiculously appropriate line rant.Earth gets one day, alright, the other 364 we're-we're-we're cranking the AC in our Hummer and then one day a year, ooh we separate the plastic. You know what I think? I think that once we die out, a couple hundred years, Earth is gonna have a people day, you know, to remember us. One day a year she is gonna laugh and laugh and shake our bones.
Basically, that's how I feel. Thank you ever so much Joss Weadon (or whoever wrote the script for that show) for putting it so well.
Anyway. Be a Planeteer and Save the Planet...but do it legit-like and make it a full time thing all year round.
So it has come to my attention that my sister is throwing me a birthday party the weekend we're at the beach house. This is exciting and I wasn't really expecting it. I figured a bunch of us would get together (who? I'm not sure) and we'd go to the beach house, Jason would drive up to meet us, we'd have cake, have some beer, go to the beach, maybe hit up the General's or Big Pecker's and that would be it.
Since she can't keep a secret very well Julibean let slip that "shh, some of your friends are coming" ... ... ... huh?
All of my friends are very busy and important people. We don't all have time to travel willy nilly around the east coast so this was a shock. I have NO idea who will be coming, but I'm excited none the less to see who loves me enough to make the trip.
Then the Beaner asked me if we wanted a theme for our birthday party. I know Jason doesn't care so I racked my brain and shot out a few ideas here and there. Finally I came up with a ridiculous interpretation to celebrate Memorial Day (which is the following weekend) and also stupidity and frivolity.
Our birthday will be a Party in the USA!
Yeah, that's right. Everyone will wear the most outrageous combination of red, white and blue clothing they can pull from their closet and we will have a party and dance around the kitchen to Miley Cyrus until we're exhausted.
Here's my list of demands for birthday presents:
- Five hundred thousand dollars all in fifties.
- A Shetland pony died pony blue to match my eyes.
- Powder Blue Eyes.
Alright, alright. I'm kidding. I don't expect any presents, I'm just happy people want to travel to celebrate Jason and my Quarter Century...but I wouldn't mind a Nike+ sportsband, an Esther Williams bathing suit, or a gift card to Old Navy.
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