I've been waiting for it for awhile now.
A few weeks back Ashley and her roommate Mel decided that pie had it's day in the sun (3/14) but cake was always sad and alone in the rain. But no longer! We would have a celebration of cakes! And it would be marvelous!At first they had scheduled the Cake Party for a day I was going to be in Virginia. Then it was rescheduled and suddenly I was actually home that weekend!
I asked ahead of time if they would prefer a strawberry cake or a chocolate Nutella cake since I already had those cakes made and chilling in my freezer from my Wilton Course 1 classes that I missed.
So I spent most of Saturday morning frosting my chocolate Nutella cake while watching Fly Away Home. Let me just go on the record saying I heart Anna Paquin and the movie still totally makes me cry at the end when all the geese land in their new safe happy home.
Anyway, drove into Manhattan (which is always a joy) and got to Ashley's apartment near Inwood more or less around the time I meant to. She knew most of her friends would be on the late side but assumed correctly that I'd leave to make it on time but get stuck in traffic. How well people know my punctuality.
Let me just say, when the cakes started pouring in we all got more and more excited. We started off with meatloaf cupcakes with sweet potato frosting. Sounds disgusting but is actually quite delicious. Ash's sweet potatoes were amaaaaazing.
Then we munched on mini pancake muffins which you could chose to dip in syrup. Greatest idea ever for a brunch or something with friends. They taste good even if they're not hot and right out of the oven and they're all ready at once instead of actual pancakes which take forever to cook and some will be cold and you don't get to eat together.
We had quite the selection of cakes to gorge ourselves on. Also, cake shots, need I say more on how enjoyable the evening was? I think I do...
Courtney (my fellow EMACer who I haven't seen since graduation in 2007) brought a 7-layer rainbow cake. Of course the nerd in her (which we all appreciated) had the layers in ROYGBIV order. It was beautiful to cut into.I'm awful with names but another one of Ash's friends brought a giant cupcake cake. Another brought a fruit cake (aka a fruit torte) and someone else brought some gourmet cupcakes from a famous bakery in NYC that I can't recall the name of but my Dad managed to guess. Mel also made a delicious applesauce cake with cream cheese frosting.
Holy crap I love cake. And it was so great to catch up with Courtney and her manfriend James and meet all of Ashley's friends who I can now put a face to their names when she tells me stories.
So here we were, all in the same place for the first time in three years and slightly intoxicated. I think we've grown as people...
Sunday morning Ashley and I may or may not have woken up, eaten cake leftovers and watched The Lion King.
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