Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010

Well it happened. We got snow.

Tuesday night I pretty much decided that even if my office were open on Wednesday I wasn't going to trek 22miles in the snow there and 22miles in the snow back. When I woke up (early) on Wednesday I turned on Channel 12 and looked out the window. It didn't look too bad, only about 2inches on the ground, streets looked okay.

One thing was I still don't have Lulu and her awesome AWD that loves the snow. In fact I have this silly Prius which I wouldn't trust on dry land, let alone on ice.

Reports said that it was fine now, it's just going to get really bad starting around noon. Okay, I thought, maybe I can get to work and leave early and be fine. So I started getting ready for work and it was then that my Dad came home.

He had already dug out my sister's 2000 Forester and attempted to go to work.

He stood in my door way. "I hit a pole." And then walked away.

That pretty much right there was why my father took my sister's car instead of his or my mother's new car. Because Julibean's car is slightly battered already. She got hit in a parking lot at school so has a lovely dent in the back wheel well, she got rear-ended by a nursing student on her way to class one day so the rear bumper is dented, and now the front bumper is dented to match!

He's fine, the seat belt grabbed him hard, suffice to say he didn't go back out and suggested I stay home too. So I went back to bed and gave up.

We had an incredibly productive day. Christmas is away (except for a few straggling Spode boxes) and Julibean and I even organized a full quarter of the attic so it's actually walkable and easy to find labeled boxes.

PLUS we now each have a little box of Christmas for ourselves. Bed Bath & Beyond sells these stack-able containers that are perfect for ornaments. So the two of us sat there going through all of our mother's ornaments and picking out our favorites and once we got the okay that mom was willing to part with them we packed them away.

I got Nana's awesomely hideous fat Santa ornament which I have always loved and my mom was willing to part with a lot more ornaments than I thought she would be.

Julibean and I also decided that starting next year we're going to start a new tradition and buy each other the ugliest ornament we can find. Our cousin Jaclyn and her roommate from college Jade do this and it is quite possibly the funniest tradition I've ever heard of. Jade totally won this year with this horrible cow ballerina that was missing a leg. So next year we will start our quest to find each other the ugliest most grotesque ornaments we can. And when we open our bakery we'll decorate the tree with them.

Actually made it to work today. Pedro made it through the night, which seriously surprised me. Right now he's standing right outside the back door trying to steal some heat off the glass. Poor poor Pedro.


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