Again, I'd hate to repeat myself. But if you haven't checked out the most recent Lifetime movie The Pregnancy Pact you should really do so. They definitely redefined the "sexy pregnant" look on these 15 year old girls.
Anyway, here's a Manjoyment Monday for the younger ladies. I'm too old for this guy but I do really enjoy his hair and he played one of the baby daddy's in The Pregnancy Pact.
Anyway, here's a Manjoyment Monday for the younger ladies. I'm too old for this guy but I do really enjoy his hair and he played one of the baby daddy's in The Pregnancy Pact.
Max Ehrich had one choice line that had us rewinding just to hear it again. When he finds out he got his girlfriend preggers he is infuriated and hates himself. He can't live with the guilt anymore of being so stupid.

I laughed until I cried. Thank you Lifetime.
Photo borrowed from livingmedia.
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