Tonight I wing my way down to Virginia for the weekend to spend some much needed time with my Silly. Honestly, this whole long distance thing isn't so wonderful and we're hoping that within the next few months we'll be able to make a decision about moving and whatnot.
So to cheer myself up about the whole arrangement and to also (I hope) instill some happiness in all of you, please enjoy the Peanut Gang getting down with their bad selves.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Dance Party Friday: Peanuts!
Labels: dance party Friday, my Silly, travel
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
This just in...
My cowbell has arrived!
I shipped it to Dan's house in Seattle just so I wouldn't have to worry about traveling with it on one of the flights at least.
In his words he got the package and wondered what the hell it was until he shook it and heard a delightful clanking.
What a great week this is turning out to be. I'm signing up for Zumba classes tonight, I get to see Jason this weekend and my cowbell came in the mail. How exciting!
Labels: strange things excite me
Monday, January 25, 2010
Manjoyment Monday: You Can Derelicte My Ballz
Wandering around the Internet whilst bored at work brings me to interesting places. Last week I happened upon this page. Despite the fact the original posting of all the photos isn't in English, it's still a fantastic series.
I especially love this group of Ben Stiller's recreating some classic poses from Zoolander.
Zoolander happens to be one of my all time favorite movies. If you haven't seen it what the hell are you waiting for?
If not just to watch it for comedic value, you can learn a lot about how not to die in a freak gasoline fight accident.
Labels: manjoyment Monday
Friday, January 22, 2010
DPF: Jammies
This week has dragged on like none other. And the whole entire week all I've wanted to do is sleep and cuddle up in my bed. That's the inspiration behind this week's Dance Party Friday.
Also this just happened to be Ashley's pick. Also also, it fit my mood to a T.
Labels: dance party Friday
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wa wa wa Wilton
Basically for as long as I can remember my sister Julibean has wanted to do two things with her life. Well maybe not for as long as I can remember but we all dismissed her dream to be a dolphin trainer or a hula hoop instructor - whatever that is.
A pastry chef and a mother.
The mother thing will have to wait till after weddings and such, but the pastry chef thing might become a reality sooner than originally anticipated!
The Beaner went through a few life changing decisions the past few months. She decided to ditch the whole law school idea and focus on something she loved. It was a difficult decision and I fully support her in her new endeavor because I am a FIRM believer in doing what you love. If you are doing what you love you'll never really ever work a day in your life. You'll just be enjoying yourself :)
She is in the process of applying to a Culinary Institute but in the meantime we will be taking the Wilton Cake Decorating Classes! I'm so excited!
I've wanted to do this for a long time and legit learn how to make things like a lamb cake actually look like they are supposed to. So Hooray!
We're working on the skills. We've already got our bakery name, we already have our areas of expertise and now all we need is some training, a location and oh, idk, eight hundred gajillion dollars.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
I think I might require this:Yes, that's right. An Olympic's like...the greatest cowbells of all cowbells!
Would you like one of your own? Check out the 2010 Olympic Store!
Labels: strange things excite me
Dance Party Friday
Nothing sexier than a bunch of nerdy guys getting down with their bad selves...
Tonight we're going to the Westbury Manor for dinner to get a feel how their menu tastes. Right now it's one of Julibean's top two choices for her wedding venue. I'm sure it'll be deliciously overindulgent!
PLUS tonight my girls get into town! Laura and Chrissy are coming down for the weekend to go out to the outlets for some shopping and to work on Laura's Save the Dates :) It'll be good to see the girls!
Also, tomorrow afternoon is yet another tasting, this time at the Thatched Cottage, which is the other top choice for venues. It'll be a wedding-filled weekend I suppose.
Labels: dance party Friday, J and C, L and J
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Will be the Death of Me
So last night in one of those weird in between sleep and awake moments I remembered that I haven't been pestering Jason enough.
That sounds wrong but allow me to explain: Jason needs constant motivation. Sometimes he even ASKS ME to nag him to do something.
So last night in one of those weird in between sleep and awake moments I realized I had failed miserably.
I woke up to a happy little txt from him and immediately responded with PASSPORT!
How on earth had I forgotten? How on earth did I imagine he already had one?
Jason's response? FML!
So I just spent the past hour and a half researching everything he has to do and where he has to go with all of it. We leave for Seattle in exactly 6 weeks! It takes 4-6 weeks for a passport to be processed and received!
After some more research we found out it can be in fact expedited to get to him in 2-3 weeks for an additional fee but this was just an extra stress that Jason didn't need right now and I feel bad but I want to throttle him sometimes for doing things like this.
Labels: my Silly
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Lulu Saga: SERIOUSLY?!
I woke up this morning at 4:47am because we thought maybe we'd be adventurous enough to get to the gym at 5am. Well since I don't have work tonight we'll go later so I went back to bed and had a very strange dream about Jason being really upset that he was only getting half the state tax return from NH than he was expecting.
To which I reminded him (in the dream) that he only lived there for 6 months last year and should have only expected half to begin with!
Suffice to say, weird dream aside, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning and I think the universe was trying to tell me something. Of course...I didn't listen.
Maybe I should have.
Running a little late I passed a green panel van that looked like my neighbor Charlie's as I drove around the block. It wasn't Charlie, it was some random guy who had just stopped in the middle of the road and I had to go around him. Then he pulled up right behind me and looked as if he were swerving back and forth trying to get around me. It was weird. One of those things I'd probably report if someone were to ask me: "Did you see anything strange this morning?"
Continued on my way and turned onto the main drag that brings me to the highway. Stopped at a red light, it just turned green and BAM.
All I could say when it happened:
It looks like it's just Lulu's bumper and maybe a bit of a dent at the base of the hatch for the trunk. Nothing over the top serious.
I think I'm fine. The lady who hit me was fine. I have a little twinge in my neck/back but who knows if that's a result of this or sleeping funny, I guess I'll know later whether or not I'm actually legitimately fine.
But honestly folks...can't Lulu cut a break?!
Labels: The Lulu Saga
Monday, January 11, 2010
Manjoyment Monday: I Dig
My man Chester said something over the top ridiculous yesterday at work and it made all of us ladies stop and be like, "Whaaaaa?"
I guess you had to be there, but the use of Vaseline was where all the misunderstanding came from.
Anyway, sometimes Chester reminds me of Taye Diggs. Not sure why. Please enjoy.
I'm not sure what it is about Taye Diggs that I find so attractive...I mean outside of his smoke'n hotness physically. Maybe it's because he's married to Adina Menzel and I have a little girl crush on her...?
(Image from People)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Dance Party Friday: Oy
Tuesday night I almost died.
My stomach almost exploded. It was horrible.
I'm pretty sure I had food poisoning, however I'll never really know. My stomach is still out of whack even after spending all of Wednesday in bed watching marathon reruns of ANTM Cycle 6.
I don't think I'll eat ever again.
Labels: dance party Friday, I'm not dead yet