Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Lulu Saga: SERIOUSLY?!

I woke up this morning at 4:47am because we thought maybe we'd be adventurous enough to get to the gym at 5am. Well since I don't have work tonight we'll go later so I went back to bed and had a very strange dream about Jason being really upset that he was only getting half the state tax return from NH than he was expecting.

To which I reminded him (in the dream) that he only lived there for 6 months last year and should have only expected half to begin with!

Suffice to say, weird dream aside, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning and I think the universe was trying to tell me something. Of course...I didn't listen.

Maybe I should have.

Running a little late I passed a green panel van that looked like my neighbor Charlie's as I drove around the block. It wasn't Charlie, it was some random guy who had just stopped in the middle of the road and I had to go around him. Then he pulled up right behind me and looked as if he were swerving back and forth trying to get around me. It was weird. One of those things I'd probably report if someone were to ask me: "Did you see anything strange this morning?"

Continued on my way and turned onto the main drag that brings me to the highway. Stopped at a red light, it just turned green and BAM.


All I could say when it happened:

"Are we SERIOUS?!"

It looks like it's just Lulu's bumper and maybe a bit of a dent at the base of the hatch for the trunk. Nothing over the top serious.

I think I'm fine. The lady who hit me was fine. I have a little twinge in my neck/back but who knows if that's a result of this or sleeping funny, I guess I'll know later whether or not I'm actually legitimately fine.

But honestly folks...can't Lulu cut a break?!


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