Dear Sir,
Thank you for proving my point that men can look manly while walking tiny dogs.
Love, Elise
P.S. Your dog is fluffy and adorable.
P.P.S. Your arm veins frighten me.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Manjoyment Monday: Mystery Man and Mutt
Labels: cute n fuzzy, manjoyment Monday
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
DPF: Army of Slaves
This weekend lots of things are happening.
- My parent's are leaving town for a week in Florida.
- Laura is coming into town for the weekend.
- Julianne and Chris are coming into town for the long weekend.
- Jason is coming into town for the week.
- We're taping down all the pockets in the pocketfolds.
- We're glue together all the belly bands for the invitations.
- We're going tux shopping.
Labels: dance party Friday
Monday, February 14, 2011
Manjoyment Monday: V-Day edition
Although I'm not militant about it. I am a Batman fan. No Superman here.
In high school I had a friend who equally enjoyed Batman. One day he showed me this Valentine and I thought it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen. I think about it every year, without fail.
It wasn't exactly the design of the Valentine or the cheesey saying, no, it was the fact that he'd found it on Cap'n's Unfortunate Valentine's Cards and it had the following most amazing caption:
Hello, I'm Batman.
When I was just as child, my parents were murdered right in front of my eyes. I made a solemn vow that day to commit my life to fighting crime. I've sacrificed my childhood and any efforts toward personal enjoyment. My nights are spent in deadly combat with everything from common street thugs to grotesque psychopaths. What little sleep I ever get is usually interrupted by horrible nightmares and my waking up soaked in sweat. I fight a war that can never ben won. I strive toward a goal that can never be reached. I am haunted. I am relentless. I am tortured.
Won't you be my valentine?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Deep Thought Thursday: Material Girl
I don't necessarily consider myself a materialistic person. There are some things that I believe are important, and others I do not.
Things I will always no matter what buy on brand:
- Heinz Ketchup. There is no disputing this. All other ketchups just taste wrong to me and it doesn't make for an enjoyable condiment.
- Q-tips. Gotta be the paper sticked ones. Gotta be Q-tip brand. I am very picky about water in my ears and Q-tips are the only brand that over the years have continuously kept me from shaking water out of my head after a shower or swim.
- Underwear. There are two stores that I purchase panties from and two stores that I purchase bras from. Sure, Aerie, Victoria's Secret, and Lane Bryant are more expensive than say, getting my undergarments at Target or Walmart, but it's all about the quality. Winona said it best, A Good Foundation is Essential. And for the girls, I would spend anything to make sure they are happy and I am comfortable.
- Subaru cars. What can I say, I love them almost as much as I loved the Tank.
- Nine West shoes. They make up about 85% of my current shoe repertoire. They're well made, comfortable (well as comfortable as heels can be), and I think good shoes are important. They are, of course, a foundation as well.
- Nike Running Shoes. It took me about 3 years to find the perfect pair of running shoes. I plan on ordering an extra pair just to keep in my closet in case they decide to discontinue that particular shoe.
- Coach Leather Goods. I know, I know, 'spensive! But there's something that makes me wonderfully happy about Coach. In high school I would go through $15-30 purses like mad. I'd kill them. I could easily go through 2-3 of them in a month. I decided once I hit college (although Laura was quite the enabler on this one), that I would invest in a few good purses. Since college I've only thrown out one or two purses that bit the big one. I now have a (near complete) collection of purses and only have my eye on one more (which of course is extremely hard to find). What can I say? My grandmother has been lugging around a Coach bucket tote for about twenty years now, I think I could do worse.
So what's the point of this whole Deep Thought Thursday? I need a new dress watch. The only watch I currently own that works is my EOS Binary digital that I love but is no where near "classy". My problem is this: All the watches I really like are name brand watches that are overpriced just because of the label.

But would I ever actually spend that much on a timepiece? No, I'd much rather go on a nice vacation with Jason for a week.
My biggest problem is also that I just don't like the look of traditional watches. What I really really want is a watch that looks like a bracelet. One that unless you looked carefully at it, you wouldn't necessarily think it was a watch.
I'm not talking a watch with a skinny bangle band, or a charm bracelet that happens to have a watch as one of the charms. I mean a piece of pretty jewelery that also happens to be a watch.

There's something about the snap-head look to it that screams at me. I've wanted it for years but couldn't justify spending $400 on a watch when I was working three jobs.
I love the silver tone. I love the toggle clasp. I love the snap-heads. And most of all I love the way it looks like a bracelet but is really a watch.
Sadly, this watch is supremely difficult to find now. Every once in awhile one pops up on eBay. Every so often you can find one for sale on a random fashion site.
Short of call Coach Customer Service and seeing if they have one lying around a warehouse somewhere I don't think I'll ever have this pretty little number around my wrist.
So who's gonna do it? Who's going to track down one of these watches for me and surprise me with it? Who loves me enough?
(Second Image borrowed from Rolex)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Dance like it's 1999
Last weekend when I was up in the Albany area Laura and I were caravanning back to her house when she called me just to tell me that there was a new radio station in the Capital Region.
I just wanted to let you know that there's a new radio station. 105.7, you should turn it on right now because I'm rock'n out to Cher.
105.7 CrushFM is a 90s music station and it is amazing.
In celebration of the newest most awesomest station that I now have locked into my radio for trips to Albany, and because Saturday night after our glitter fest some of the girls are going to 90s night and getting all dressed up and partying like it's 1999, please enjoy this N'SYNC Simpson's clip.
Labels: dance party Friday
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
WW: Pockets-a-folding
Basically today was really super nasty out. Long Island was one big skating rink. Lulu is still in the shop (we're waiting on her new rim) and my father basically told me, "I don't want you driving my car in that mess" so I called out of work.
I did a nice bit of organizing and cleaning and managed to get all of the pocket folds 90% done. Now they all have the invite backing glued into place. Next step is taping down the pocket and then the pocketfolds are DONE!
I got our custom return address stamp and our monogram stamp made up from so I also stamped all of the invitation envelopes with the return address. We're waiting on the RSVP envelopes for now because we're not sure if Jason and I will be living somewhere else before the invites go out, only time will tell. But for now we're using my parent's address as the return address for the invitations themselves, and the stamp will be theirs to keep once this is all over.
The monogram stamp is just slightly too big for the size circles I wanted to use on the bellybands. Instead I think I'll leave the embossing for the invite itself and just print out the monogram on plain paper for the belly bands. Which will make my life dramatically easier. Plus it'll give a little sparkle to the inside of the invitation and keep the outside a little less distracting.
On Saturday when I was up state with Laura we went to David's so she could try on the bridesmaid dress and we could finalize the colors. Originally it was going to be Marine, Horizon, Cornflower, Pool and Capri. When we got to the store we realized a few things. Firstly Marine looked waaaay too dark with the other colors, and secondly, David's just came out with a new color Malibu that worked into the palate nicely.
So now the bridesmaids will be in Horizon, Cornflower, Malibu, Pool and Capri. Here's a slightly hilarious representation of the girls via David's "dress your wedding" website:I say slightly hilarious because they facial features and hairstyles are no where near at all what my ladies look like. They'll all be in silver shoes and I've bought pretty silver wraps for them and hopefully it'll look as pretty on the day of the wedding as it does in my mind and at the store when we lined up the colors.
Slowly but surely I'm chipping away at my massive to do list for the wedding. There is still a lot to be done, but I'm confident we'll get through it all soon. Tomorrow marks 150 days till our wedding.
Holy crap.
Labels: stationary, Wedding Wednesdays