Monday, December 6, 2010

Manjoyment Monday: Schnoz Special

I have the plague. More on that later.

As I'm basically quarantined off for a few days I spent all day today in bed watching horrible movies on SyFy. What can I say? I got sucked in by Basilisk: The Serpent King and stuck around after that for Attack of the Gryphon.
It was as I watched Tara from Buffy run around as a warrior woman princess trying to find half a sword to kill a sorcerer who was using her kingdom's legendary gryphon against her own people that I realized two things:

One: SyFy makes some QUALITY made for TV movies. (I'm pretty sure it's the super cheesemo CGI animation that is a mockery of itself.)

And Two: I am really attracted to men with big noses.

Case and point:
Jonathan LaPaglia, oh hello.

Don't know what it is, but there's something sexy about a man with a schnoz.

(Image borrowed from


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