Okay, okay. I'm ready to be mercilessly mocked. It's more than fine with me, do your worst.
But last night I FINALLY saw New Moon. Yes dear readers, the moment Ashley and I had been planning for since July...the movie date to end all movie dates...the movie date that got pushed back countless times because of work, because of holidays, because of work again...it FINALLY HAPPENED!
I took a train into the city and met Ashley at the Starbucks right next door to the Regal on 42nd Street. We grabbed some sammiches and something to drink and caught up since although we talk to each other almost every day online trading war stories I don't believe I've seen her since graduation in May of 2007...weird.
Then we bought our tickets and giggled incessantly "We're actually doing it!" "YAY!" "I'm SO excited!"
A million previews later (reminder to self, read Dear John and the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series because they look like movies I'd enjoy and I prefer to read the books first) it finally started.
Allow me to just point out that there were about a dozen people tops in the theater and most of them were 20 and 30-somethings...ALL OF US COULDN'T STOP GIGGLING. Either it was because we were ashamed we were there, or we were just so excited we couldn't contain ourselves...
I just can't even convey to you how incredible this movie was. Dare I say it was the most fantastic movie I have EVER seen!?! Because truly, I am prepared to go as far as saying that!
I must have cried through half of the movie, I just couldn't stop laughing. And there were so many knee jerk reactions I almost fell out of my chair dying.
Quite possibly the best part of the movie was the audience. Honestly. There was one woman who every so often had a perfectly timed wonderfully ghettofied, "Oh shit." (Which when I imagine her saying it now, she's making three snaps in a Z.)
- During the scene where they come up on each other and they're running through the woods like this:
I couldn't help but think of the opening scene of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason when the music rises into a rendition of The Hills are Alive! With the Sound of Music....
- Bella (to Alice): You're not leaving are you? Alice: I'll be back, once you put the dog out. Audience Member: Oh shit!
- Everyone clapped when Jacob Fursploded!
- The sketchy guy on the motorcycle reminded me of a pierced version of my brother Dan.
- And the piece de la resistance...Bella (to Jacob): Hello biceps!
This movie was WELL worth the wait! Well worth the $12.50 we paid to see it even! I might go see it again with Casey since she couldn't make it into the city last night to join us. IT WAS AMAZING!
So if you will indulge me:
Manjoyment Factor: *****
Holy Balls they all spent the entire movie topless! I don't care if Taylor Lautner is 17, I'm still in my early 20s, I can enjoy the eye candy without it being too wrong.
Cinematic Style: *****
It was definitely filmed better than Twilight. Our favorite part was when the camera when spinning at crazy angles to portray Bella spiraling out of control when Edward left.
Ridiculousness: *****
Ummm, hello? It's part of the Twilight Saga, of course it's ridiculous!
Consistency with Book: *****
I could appreciate the way they spun a few things to make the movie flow better. The only thing that threw me was when Bella hops on the random guy's motorcycle. However I TRULY appreciate the scene at the movies where both Mike Newton and Jacob have their hands palm up on the armrests, waiting for Bella to hold one of their hands. I loved that part in the book.
Thanks to LOLvamp(ire)s for the images.
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