Monday, November 30, 2009

Manjoyment Monday: Yeah Tiberius

This weekend my sister and I got got home to find my father in the driveway unloading his car. What had he bought himself?

A Bluray player.

What two movies did he come home with on Bluray?

The Mummy Trilogy and the new Star Trek, which I have never seen. So in honor of that, please enjoy some Chris Pine:

From sweetheart prince wannabe to Captain James Tiberius Kirk, he's just so beautiful.

No one believed me that Winona Ryder played Spok's mom but I was vindicated during the credits. And I must say although a creeper as Sylar in Heroes, Zachary Quinto does a fantastic job as Spok, honestly.

Now can someone explain to me how they managed to completely re-write Star Trek from the beginning with one movie? Did anybody get it? How do we get to there from here?!


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