Somehow I seem to miss the LB Fair each year, but in a strange turn of events I was actually in town. So Casey, Momz and I drove down and walked the full length of the Fair in search of teeny tiny rings. Apparently Momz has a size 3 pinkie finger and has difficulty finding rings to fit her.
Only one vendor had a ring her size but wanted far too much money for it so we bought vintage broaches and enjoyed the strong sun and the wind whipping off the ocean. The beach was actually closed (or at least they were only letting a few surfers into the water) because of the riptides and crazy currents tossed up from Hurricane Dan. (On a completely unrelated note, I find the name Dan kind of hilarious for a Hurricane because A-it is my brother's name and B-Rock me Like a Hurricane is one of Dan's favorite songs...maybe that's only funny to me though.)
Anyway the one vendor I was hoping to catch at the fair (other than Peter Potter who still didn't have my much saught after Bellybutton Lint Word Pot) was the Henna Lady. I don't know who she is or where she works but she is this wonderful sweet Indian lady who does henna tattoos on the boardwalk during the fair.

Enter my design!
For a free hand piece from an image she didn't create I think the Henna Lady did a great job. However it is not really like the drawing I made. I wanted the Lily of the Valley to creep up my ankle and around the joint. I also wanted it to be further down my foot so it would only peep out of my shoes a bit. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose and considering she thought the flowers were little lanterns, she really did an amazing job.

I am really feel'n this design. I love the way it looks with my shoes (or once it is placed correctly I'll love it), it's dainty and feminine, yet still kind of edgy.
Yes, please enjoy my FAVORITE pair of blue shoes. They're suede and fantastic and actually really damn comfy...and yes I say "favorite" because I have multiple pair of blue's a problem really, I'm getting help.
Now all I have to do is save some money and research local tattoo artists. You know, that and get over the fact that a foot tattoo is going to be super painful...not looking forward to that.
So all in all the LB Fair was wonderful and we went over to Billy's for some of the most fantastic grouper I've ever had and mid-day margaritas...because why the hell not have a mid-day margarita after going to the beach?
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