So Seattle was beautiful. We had uncharacteristic gorgeous weather and my parents and I did quite a lot of sight seeing and wandering around.
Drove up to Vancouver and toured around Capilano which was amazing! It's seriously like visiting an Ewok Village. There are fantastic bridges throughout the canopy of the trees and you wander endlessly through the forest. I cannot even explain to you how incredible this place should definitely take it in next time you're in the Vancouver area.
Spent some quality time with my brother Dan which included bottling home brew and then brewing some more!
"You have to drink beer to make beer.
Those are the rules, I don't make them up."
Those are the rules, I don't make them up."
It is quite an exciting an intricate process. Maybe someday I'll make my own home brew...possibly some home brewed wine instead. Speaking of wine we also visited Chateau Ste Michelle, Washington State's first winery. Might I recommend taking the wine tour and certainly please enjoy the Muscat Caneli. I am personally not a huge fan of dessert wines but this one was fabulous...and I may or may not have come home with an entire case of it.
And of course I do not have any photos of it since cameras and cell phones are not allowed on the tour, but we also saw the Boeing Plant. The place is huge, Disney Land and it's parking lots could fit inside and still have space to grow. We even got to see the 787 Dreamliner Production Line. Most people wouldn't be so excited by this however my brother is actually working on the plane. His job is to keep it in the yeah, his work is kind of a big deal. Plus we're standing there and I look down and see one of the engines without its cover and turn to Dan and ask if it's a Rolls Royce engine.
Where did that come from? I will never know. It might have to do with an image of one that's on one of the walls in my office of a Rolls Royce airline engine...but I was shocked myself to find out I had correctly identified it as such. I've never really studied the image, nor do I actually study engines of any kind, but I guess walking past it 10 times a day left an imprint.
I often have moments where something hiding subconsciously in my memory just burst out and makes me say something that surprises even me. It's odd but I suppose that's just the way my brain works.
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