This one is for Julibean:
Allow me to explain. Yesterday morning Julianne told me she wasn't feeling well and that she thought she had pulled something in her sleep. She had a pain in her side.
Immediately my mind always flies to APPENDIX mostly because freshman year a friend of mine (after two trips to the hospital, and then being dismissed twice for "nothing") had his appendix burst on him and it was quite possibly one of the most horrible things ever.
So I ask her more about her symptoms and play doctor. She said stabbing pain, immediately I think APPENDIX, but the pain wasn't in the right spot. She was having shortness of breath and a pain in her ribs on her right hand side. At that point I thought maybe gallbladder because our mother had hers out back in '96 and had trouble with it even in earlier years.
I am the last person who will jump up and go to the doctor on a whim. Unless I think I need antibiotics, I'll get through it on my own. But when it's something like shooting pain in your abdomen I say, get thee to the doctor!
Julibean called her doctor, but he couldn't give her an appointment until noon today, and suggested going to the doc in the box. She goes to the clinic and has a few tests done, and they say, you should go to the emergency room. At this point we all were thinking gallbladder.
After a round of tests at the emergency room, and a day sitting around in pain at the hospital since they didn't give her any pain meds until they knew what was wrong, finally at around 11pm they told her it was appendicitis and they'd have to yank it out of her.
All night all I could think of was the Madeline episode where she has her appendix out and all the other girls want theirs out too. I asked Julianne if she was going to have a funny shaped scar and she said no, they were removing it through her belly button...which really only made me think of mummies having their brains yanked out through their nose.
...I'm sick that way.
Friday, April 29, 2011
DPF: Ouila!
Labels: dance party Friday, family
Friday, April 22, 2011
DPF: Real life?
Sometimes I really wish I lived inside a musical. So things like this would happen:
Thanks Veebs!
Labels: dance party Friday
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I can has interview?
I totally just realized it was Tuesday. Where the hell did Monday go?!
In other news, yesterday (which apparently was Monday!), I applied for a few more positions in Connecticut. Long story short, someone called me back today and I have an interview on Friday.
Jason is in awe of how fast the turn around on that one was. When he asked me how I did it, I just told him it's 'cause I'm awesome.
Are you awesome?
Labels: I'm not dead yet
Friday, April 15, 2011
DPF: Oh no!
I saw this and immediately knew I had to share it:
Thanks to Chris for brightening my day with something I otherwise would never have found on my own!
Monday, April 11, 2011
MM: Totally Making my List
Today's man isn't a real one.
I'll be the first to admit that this is crazy. But listen, it's totally legit even if he's animated, right? RIGHT?
Ashley and I have discussed at length how some cartoon characters are just freak'n attractive as all get out. Apparently she even has a very in depth list she made with her friend years ago that they add men (real and animated - they don't judge) to as the years go by.
We may or may not fight over Dimitri and I may or may not often agree with Ashley over the fact that Robin Hood is the foxiest fox in town (Oodelaly!).
But damn, just watched Tangled for the first time this weekend and hello. Sexiest man ever animated in my opinion. Go ahead, judge me. But don't deny that Flynn Rider is hot!
Maybe it's the floppy hair. Maybe it's the big nose (we know how I love me a good schnoz!), or maybe, just maybe it's that he's just a pleasant type of theif. Whatever it is, I thoroughly enjoy this Tangled woah.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
This Just In!
For some reason I woke up at 4am this morning. Couldn't get back to sleep either. So I was away at 4:16am when I got a txt message from my cousin.
Best part, she has a freak'n mohawk!
Jaclyn is healthy, baby is healthy. Family is HAPPY.
We went to visit at the hospital this afternoon and oh man, all I can say is this girl is going to get so much love and attention it's not even funny.
I personally think Alexandra has his nose.
I think other than the epic mohawk, that I love the fact she just kept on putting her fists up against her face like, no more close ups, please! It's snuggle time and I want to just sleep in a cocoon.
Labels: birthdays, family, J and A, omg babies
Friday, April 8, 2011
We're moving!
...I just wish I knew where!!!
I know, I know, I've been a horrible blogger AGAIN. You think I'd learn my lesson by now, but no.
Anyway. It's been very stressful the past week. Yes, amazing things have happened. Jason got a job offer in CT! He also had three other phone interviews, two of which lead to on-site interviews.
So cue to last week when Jason realized his interview on the 11th in Schenectady might be cutting it close if he had to give his answer to CT by the 15th. Mad dash to see if they could bump up the interview, it was a no go but the guy did say since Jason has such a tight deadline he'd let him know the evening of the 11th if he got the job and he'd pressure HR to get right on sending him the offer.
Meanwhile there was a third possible on-site interview in Baton Rouge. Of course since this is the least ideal place to live it is the job Jason wants most. Of course even though I'm not really interested in living in the south I'm behind my manfriend all the way if it's what he wants to do. Of course since it's the job he really wants, they can't seem to get their act together and don't think they could possibly work with the 15th as a deadline. This is still up in the air.
I did some housing research both in the Schenectady area (which of course I already know a lot about housing in the capital region and Laura has moved so many times she knows the ins and outs of apartment complexes in the area) and I also took a look at the areas between Groton and the other major cities in CT.
It'd be killer easy to find a decent and affordable place to live, apartment-style, in the Capital Region. It's a little harder to find an apartment-style place in CT unless you're looking in the areas immediately surrounding a major city...which of course we're not. I haven't found any positions worth applying to in Groton but I have applied to things in New Haven and Hartford, and even Providence, RI. But all the housing between any of those two points is house rentals. We don't need anything more than two bedrooms, we can't afford anything more than two bedrooms, but that seems to be what's available in CT. Obviously the search will continue.
I told Jason my findings and asked him if NY gives him a comparable offer to CT where he would rather work/live. I wanted to know what he wanted. I already know what I want. The Capital Region is already home, we have friends there, we know the area, we're getting married there, it'd be everso convenient! Color me pleasantly surprised when he said he'd probably prefer the NY job if the offer was similar.
Laura will be so happy to have me back :P
I'm not getting my hopes up. The CT offer is a solid offer and in my mind CT is WAY better than Louisiana any day of the week. (I don't like humidity, and I don't like sue me!) I'd be content with Connecticut, I'd be ecstatic with Schenectady though!
We'll know by the end of next week where we'll be moving, and we'll be going apartment hunting next weekend. All I'm going to say is next week can't come fast enough!
It's almost like dancing...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Hokay so, Jason got an offer for the job in Groton, CT. Which is fabulous and lifts a huge weight off of all of our shoulders, and I can also call Nanny and tell her to stop praying to St. Anthony to help Jason find a job.
He's still going to see if he can move up the interview for the Schenectady job. Just *sigh* I'm so freak'n happy that we can move forward and look for jobs for me and apartments and things and not worry about living out of my bedroom in my parent's house after we get married.
Labels: dance party Friday, my Silly