I got up to Albany early Saturday morning and met Chrissy at her house where she surprised me with cinnamon rolls for breakfast, yum! We grabbed some coffee and ran over to pick up Laura where she had dropped her car off for some servicing. Then we wandered off to watch Chrissy's boyfriend's Kyle's flag football game. Chrissy used to be on the team but hurt her ACL and hasn't played since...which makes her sad.
After the game we met both teams at the bar that gives the winning team 4 free pitchers of beer, and the losing team 2. Either way, you win, right? Had some lunch and made some friends with Kyle/Chrissy's teammates and played sketchtastic photo hunt on the electronic gaming thing at the end of the bar. Good times.
Picked up Laura's car and meandered through some errands until we got back to Laura's house. Sadly, this is when it started raining. We weren't sure on our plans for the night, the team was meeting up back at another pub they liked and we were thinking we might go out and meet them. We wound up getting all dressed up and ordering Chinese food and handing out candy to the two trick-or-treaters. Yeah, that's right, we only had two! One of which was a 30 year old man with a cap gun.
I was actually Jessica Rabbit.
Well we looked great at least, and had a lot of fun watching Hocus Pocus.
And that's when we had an epiphany: next year we would dress up as the Sanderson Sisters.
And that's also when, for the first time in all my years of watching Hocus Pocus, I realized that Thackery Binx is played by a young Sean Murray, which you may or may not recognize from NCIS...
Life = Complete.