I came across something spectacular today and I thought I would share with you since I'll be going away to Seattle for the week and this is something that I personally could dream about for that long...These are a fantastic pair of shoes from Mohop in Chicago. Notice anything different about them? How about the fact that these:
are the exact same shoes! INFINITE POSSIBILITIES my friends. I.am.in.love. As an artist with a penchant for shoes, these are my holy grail. I can wake up in the morning and decide what ribbon I'd like to create into a shoe that day.
I would gladly give up 7-10 pair of the shoes I currently own to have a pair of these shoes in my wheel. And they come in different heel heights and styles. The verdict is still out on comfort, but I might have found my indulgent birthday present.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Shoes for Thought
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Win Well Deserved
I have a confession to make. I LOVE to watch Dog Shows. Last night I caught part of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, the Sporting Group to be exact. I was a little upset to find that I had missed the Terrier Group because I love to coo over my cherished Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, but I'm so glad that I caught the part I did. Out come all the beautiful Sporting Dogs, Labs, Retrievers, Spaniels, all of them gorgeous and fast.
Although I am a huge fan, I typically don't specifically root for a certain dog. But last night, I fell in love. I mean no offense but I have never enjoyed Spaniels. A girl I was friends with as a child had a few and they were slightly terrifying to me. They had something called Spaniel Rage and they were constantly fighting with each other and I was not used to seeing that sort of animalistic mentality. Since then Spaniels were not my cup of tea and I barely paid attention to the judging of Spaniel after Spaniel. But then, oh, there he was! He was cute and low to the ground and the announcer described him as somewhat slow but useful in high brush. I found myself squealing with delight as the Sussex Spaniel aptly named Stump plodded across the arena.There was just something about Stump. Perhaps the way he slowly trotted as opposed to the other Sporting Group Dogs which almost ran. Maybe it was his little nubbin of a tail that constantly wagged to and fro. Whatever it was, I knew I wanted him to win. Plus, he had just come out of retirement, and who doesn't love it when an old dog can show up a puppy?
I was too tired to watch the last bit of the show last night (I've had a cold) but this morning on the radio I heard Stump had won! I literally clapped my hands in excitement. Congratulations Stump!
I can't wait to get a puppy. I have specific dog needs however, and when I chose my dog it must have hair. Because I can't stand fur everywhere and I also have lots of allergic people in my life that wouldn't be able to come visit me. I suppose when I'm an old lady and my husband has died (you know because us women live longer) I'll get a Sussex Spaniel. By then the Sussex's personality will match my own old lumbering one. And by then I'll be so old I won't care about the fur all over my couch.
(Stump photo from reuters.com)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Birdcage Veils
What could I possibly love more than birdcage veils?Birds wearing birdcage veils!
(decorative birds from save-on-crafts.com)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
So recently I fell victim to an eBay posting that was removed by eBay for my protection. Apparently something was foul with the seller and they decided it would be fantastic to notify me (not through email) but through a stupid message in my eBay Inbox. I do not check my eBay Inbox unless I'm expecting an answer from a seller, and those get forwarded to my email anyway.
I've been stalking Zumba, yes, I said it. I've been trying to not be such a fatty and I thought it would be a lot of fun to dance my extra holiday poundage away. I was really excited when I won the auction and like a good eBayer I paid immediately. Now I have a dispute open with PayPal and yadda yadda yadda.
The other day I got an email with FedEx tracking information in it. Could this truly be my Zumba?! I was super excited about the thought of being able to start Zumba-ing before my February vacation. However there was no additional information, just a tracking number. But I haven't ordered anything else so this must be my DVDs that I've been waiting for!
Cue to last night when I cleaned out my purse and found the receipt to a purchase I may have made while intoxicated at Wendy's Birthday Passion Party Friday night. So perhaps this is what FedEx was delivering my way. Curious.
Now, PayPal has tracking information from some sketchy sounding international company who apparently attempted to deliver my Zumba on Tuesday. And left no notification nor any additional information on how to finally obtain my Zumba. So fed up with FedEx and this sketchy international company. And this is why I don't eBay often.
In other news, I might have the opportunity this weekend to get another draft of Jaclyn & Andy's wedding invitations together. I know it's February and their wedding isn't till October but I'd really like to get going with all this stationary stuff.
Labels: ramblings
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Blogging: A New Frontier
Why hello there and welcome to Persnickety Penny. I decided that it was time to enter the blogisphere and thought now was as good a time as ever. I’ve been a long time reader of blogs but never really thought my life was interesting enough to share with others. Maybe I was wrong, maybe I was right, but either way, here I am!
I read a lot of different blogs, environmentalist blogs and “going green” blogs, wedding blogs, design blogs and even fashion blogs. I know what you’re thinking, environmentalist and fashion? Isn’t that like jumbo shrimp? I find a lot of things in my life are a huge juxtaposition and I haven’t yet found a blog about someone like me, torn between what the right side of my brain wants to create and what the left side of my brain wants to keep orderly.
So I plan on just being myself on this blog, so if you don't enjoy that, my apologies and have a fun day reading something else!
Labels: introduction